Forest fires in Greece – 48 dead and many injured


At least 50 people have died in the worst forest fires in Greece in a decade.

Hundreds of homes were destroyed, highways were closed and residents were asked to take the plane.

"Achillea Tzouvaras, fire director," said Achille Tzouvaras, fire director.

At least 50 people died after the collapse of two forest fires on either side of the Greek capital Athens

No further details on the deaths occurred. was announced, but a witness should have seen at least four people along a road to Mati, just 3 miles east of the capital.

According to Red Cross volunteers and local authorities, 26 bodies were found near a popular beach in Mati, near a beach restaurant. People should have tried to swim in their nearby homes, but not managed.

– Unfortunately, we found 26 bodies burned between two houses, says Nikos Economopoulos, head of the Greek Red Cross on Greek public television, Reuters said.

Thus, the number is killed in at least 50 people, previously 24 people confirmed to have died in the fires of the city of Mati.

Mati was hit hard by the fire which started at five in the afternoon and has since spread rapidly.

1 of 15 | Photo: Costas Baltas / Reuters

Danish tourists affected

The first fire broke out in a coniferous forest near the coastal town of Kineta, located 5 miles west of Athens, AP reports. At least 150 firefighters fought the flames, while five planes and seven helicopters participated in the extinction of the job

The fog is so dense that the motorways between the Peloponnese peninsula and the rest of the continent have been closed

. have two Danish tourists found in a boat on the coast in Rafina. Eight people from the tourist group are still missing.

At least 100 people were injured in the fires, including 16 children

Residents of the coast near Athens were asked to leave their homes – fires approaching the busiest Greek highways and arresting the railroad

In his statement, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said: "Let's face 100 houses burned down

– we should only lock ourselves up and leave our homes. You can not handle as much smoke for so many hours. Achillea Tzouvaras, Fire Chief, believes this situation is extreme

The second fire broke out on Monday afternoon in the Penteli area, northeast of the capital, before expanding to the city of Rafina

. with about 50 fires.

– I saw at least 100 houses in flames. I saw it with my own eyes, it's a complete disaster, says Evangelos Bournous, mayor of Rafina.


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They were the five largest forest fires in Sweden 00:45

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