Forget about breathing through your mouth – for memory reasons



Forget about breathing through your mouth – for memory reasons

By breathing with the nose instead of the mouth, odors of odors can be better stored. This applies after an odor has been learned, say researchers at Karolinska Institutet (KI).

Breathing through the nose improves the smell of memory. Not news for the tasting. Stock Photography.picture: Pontus Lundahl / TT

"Our study shows that we remember best to feel if we breathe through the nose when memory is consolidated.This is the process that occurs between learning and when you take back memory. This is the first time anyone ever shows it, "says Artin Arshamian at KI's Department of Clinical Neuroscience in a press release.

The researchers made two different occasions twice. Then they were allowed to breathe for an hour through the nose or mouth. After the hour, old smells were introduced along with twelve new smells, and the subjects had to determine if the odor came from learning or was new.

"The next step is also to measure what is really going on in the brain during breathing and its connection with memory," says Atrin Arshamian, who is developing with his colleague Johan Lundström a new method of measuring blood pressure. activity without placing electrodes in the brain.

The phenomenon has not been studied by animal studies because the most common laboratory animals, rats and mice, can not breathe naturally through the mouth.

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