Free shower for distressed without water


Photo: Larsen, Håkon Mosvold

On Tuesday, the municipality announced that it opens the Kallinge gym to residents with incisor wells. At the same time, Roger Fredriksson urges everyone to take responsibility and save on water and to become aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Torkan agrees and Roger Fredriksson thinks it's a definite place where everyone has to help and save.

Several residents with their own wells have heard the municipality in recent weeks about sharp wells.

On Tuesday, the municipality announced that it would open the Kallinge gym so that those who no longer have water could shower.

– It is difficult to determine how many people are affected because they are private wells. We start this way and the need should be greater so that we look at more opportunities, "says Roger Fredriksson.

The gym will be open two hours a day and managed by the Environmental Technology Customer Service Department

The water crisis and drought have become a sequel in the summer. Roger Fredriksson again wants to invite everyone to continue saving on water.

– It's a serious situation and we need to think about how we use water in cranes, he says.

Every week, the municipality takes measurements at the water level and believes that it is well aware of the situation. Historically, September is the month when groundwater reaches the lowest level.

– We have two months left. We need to think about how we use water. There is no endless trump, "says Roger Fredriksson.

The ban on irrigation subsists and Roger Fredriksson confirms that the municipality could be forced to close the water for residents who do not abide by the rules.

– The situation is serious. Water is our most important food and we must take care of it. I hope everyone cares and takes responsibility.


Water Smart Tips

Completely fill the dishwasher and washing machine before driving.

Do not soak under running water – use a sink or bowl.

Collect water when rinsing your vegetables. Use water to water potted plants or rinse packages.

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

Rinse the toilet with a rewind.

Collect water from the shower (not shampoo) and use it to water your plants.

Take a quick shower instead of a long one. A shower of 5 minutes shorter can save up to 70 liters of water.

Source: Environmental Technologies

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