Frej Larsson is released by the court of justice for threatening an official


The Stockholm District Court on Monday freed artist Frej Larsson of the pursuit of a police officer who attacked via Instagram and Spotify. According to the law, the evidence was not sufficient to simply bind Frej Larsson to the publication of the Instagram message mentioned.

"I was expecting a free sentence, but I still think it's a relief," says Frej Larsson's lawyer, Viktor Banke, at DN.

The district court declares "There are circumstances that speak because it is Frej Larsson who published the message" but the evidence is not sufficient to establish that this was the case. According to Frej Larsson, several people have had access to his Instagram account and it can not be proven that it is precisely him who posted the message in question.

In the case of the song "Then she will be filmed" on Spotify, it has not been proven that the artist was facing a serious threat of violence. As a result, the lawsuit is dismissed.

In a comment Councilor Maria Hellberg, president of the court, told the detention court that the prosecution had claimed that it was the artist himself who posted the publication on Instagram.

– The District Court found that the evidence in support of this request was insufficient. He is therefore released at this time. The district court therefore did not have the opportunity to question whether the Instagram request itself could be considered a threat of violence.

The district court declares in his judgment that there was no "investigation of rap music in general or music of Frej Larsson in general" as part of the case. However, it is said that it can be considered "widely known that rap music is not uncommon with crude references in terms of language and violence".

The court goes on to say: "To begin with, the district court admits that coarse language, which contains violent references, is not uncommon for Frej Larsson". He also said he was engaged in "cross-border art".

According to the district court, the artist-led communication against the police chief was provoked and, to a certain extent, equally aggressive. The judgment underlines the right that this type of communication can be "perceived as very unpleasant to be a recipient of", especially as it continues for a long time.

Overall, average However, the district court found that Frej Larsson did not intend to threaten the police chief with violence. The reason is rather that its purpose was, as the court says, to protest against the police's opinion of the concerts that the organizers should reserve.

Two board members were divergent and would judge the artist of the threat via Spotify. They point out that a prosecution appeal would not constitute a violation of Frej Larsson's right to freedom of expression under Swedish law or the European Convention and that the value of the sentence of the crime corresponds to a imprisonment for one month.

The Stockholm police issued a statement after the verdict:

"It is unfortunate that the police feel threatened and that we take it seriously." But this is an area that has not been implemented yet and we are not commenting on it anymore, "said Anna Westberg, spokeswoman for the Stockholm police chief, in a comment on the verdict.

The context of events Frej Larsson, among others known from the Machine and Far & Son groups, organized a party in Kägelbanan at the Södra Theater in Stockholm on January 11, 2018. During a concert, the police arrested and 20 people. It was later reported that there were large amounts of drugs at the time.

A woman chief of police then asked the organizer to allow this type of concert, in reference to the drug.

Shortly after published several photos of Frej Larsson's social media accounts referring to a goldfish named the Chief of Police. In the messages, it was also announced that the fish would be "classified" on valborg – but the message could also be perceived as a disguised threat to the police chief.

– More than 2,000 people liked the image on Instagram. I do not know who is the one who liked the photo, but I know that he is dealing with people who have a huge capital for rape, "said the police chief at a hearing as part of the investigation.

Frej Larsson was prosecuted and the hearing before the Stockholm District Court began on October 10 and ended the following week.

The woman chief of police claimed compensation, she is dismissed because Frej Larsson is released.

Read more: Frej Larsson: I know how to manage the bottom

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