Frida Boisen: "Europride, that's all"


When Europride starts on Friday, Frida Boisen is a conference. Today, the media was eagerly awaiting a snack with the media profile on how proud Swedes are to celebrate pride – and why the rainbow party is more important than ever.

Tomorrow, Friday, July 27, the largest HBTQ party in Europe will be launched in Stockholm – Europride. This is the third time that the city of Stockholm is hosting, but it is the first time that Stockholm and Gothenburg host the party together.

The sending of stars, including Gladys del Pilar, Linda Lampenius and Gunilla Backman, takes place in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm under the direction of Kajsa Mellgren and media profile Frida Boisen, Vice President, Digital Director and Editor for Bonnier Magazines & Brands, Chronicle of Expressen and Program Manager for Luxury Fellowship on TV3

She sees the role of the conference as an honorific mission. So incredibly important phenomenon, so when I had the question of being a conference during the sendoff, I felt litegrann; Now we are joking on vacation and doing this. It's so important to ask a question that fascinates me, "says Frida Boisen at Dagens Media

This is the third time that Stockholm hosts Europride – how do we celebrate?

– Europride is a bit like Prides EM – an incredibly nice title that travels throughout Europe. So yes, we are proud to celebrate pride. If I do not remember the bad, we were half a million Swedes who participated in the celebrations and Prideparaden last year, either if you joined the parade or if you hated and showed your support for the # 39; free love. It's amazing I think, and the reason we're getting a host city for the third time is because there are so many Swedes who want to celebrate.

In a chronicle of Expressen, Frida Boisen today describes the dark reality behind famous Pride. According to figures from the Ilga World Organization for the Rights of Gay and Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People, HBTQ people in 71 countries can be sentenced to prison for their love. And according to the Swedish national security inquiry, 45,000 people were exposed to homophobic hate in 2016.

Frida Boisen remembers when she was in Pridetåget 15 years ago when the train was suddenly attacked by Nazis who threw bottles and stones against the participants. "When I saw the Nazis for the first time, I thought that there was no chance I would leave because of them, but suddenly she was just running for her life.

– Although we are so many to indulge in free love, today we still have a bad place in Sweden, with Nazis walking on many Keep in our country.It was noted for example during the week of Almedal.Therefore, it is more important than ever that we continue to show how much we are who think that it is natural to love who you are.

What do you expect with Europride?

– For me personally, it will be incredibly fun to start the whole Europride party on Friday with an impressive selection of I will also make a song, I could not resist the temptation when we have a bandwoman on stage. It will be a beautiful feminist address – "Respect", of course. Then, of course, amazing things happen all through the week of pride, with the parade as a highlight that the entire city turns into a carnival of love. Next Friday, a conference will also take place at the House of Culture in Stockholm, which includes Alice Bah Kuhnke, Minister of Culture and Democrats. Under Europide, it is extraordinary, with both education, insight, love and understanding. It's actually there that starts all the change.

The Europride 2018 mailing kick starts in Kungsträdgården on July 27th at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm. Europride officially opened on 1 August at the Europride Park in Stockholm and runs until 5 August, then continues in Gothenburg from 14 to 19 August.

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