Frida Quistbergh tried to take her life – miraculously survived


During her teenage years, Frida Quistbergh, 22, felt that she often helped her friends with their problems, but no one really heard her calling for help. Two years ago, it reached its lowest level.

Today, Frida lives in Solvesborg and she is grateful to have her life in front of me.

– My doctors said it's hard to survive

The day before Frida tried to kill her, she was looking for her life. acute psychiatry. She was 20 years old and was suffering from a mental illness for a long time

– But because I was an alcoholic at the time I called them, I received no help. They advised me to sleep and only then could I be helped, she said, continuing:

– He felt that I did not deserve help. I did not want to live anymore and nobody wanted to help me. I did not hurry any longer.

On February 14, 2016, Frida was in a nightclub in Stockholm with a companion. They had started doing damage and she went alone, angry and sad.

– I spoke to my companion on the phone as I headed for the train.


Forced to arm the

Fridas only memory of the event is the strong light and the high noise of the train.

– The next memory is when I woke up in the hospital. The first few weeks from there are pretty blurry because I took strong medicine.

She had several head injuries, three major brain haemorrhages, a broken neck and crotch and a crushed arm so much that she had to be amputated. 19659002] – I was in denial the first time. I did not want to admit that I hoped even though I was fully aware of what I had done, she said, continuing:

– I was so ashamed. At the same time, I was so angry with myself that I had failed and that I had realized that I was forced to experience what I was going through. I had handed over to my relatives.

"While waiting for everything"

Finally, Frida came to a glimpse: She had such a trip that survived – and she did not want to throw away her second chance.

– I realized that I am a good person anyway, now I want my future. All that I will be with, I look forward to everything.

Since the event, she has been determined to use her experiences for something good.

– I helped a lot by telling me everything I've been through. I want people to understand that it's over, no matter how difficult it is.

Today, Frida looks forward to the future

She resumes her high school studies for to be able to work with people in difficult situations in the future. In addition, she is waiting for a new armrest.

– The only thing that is difficult to have just one arm, is that I can not put my own hair. If not, I think it works very well, it only takes a little longer, Frida says, concluding:

– I'm actually grateful only to be alive. Bkwdc7OhZLf /? Taken-By = Handicapable

Do you feel bad? Help is available:

Always take thoughts or suicidal plans seriously. Stay calm, but act.

Speak and dare to listen. Express your concern and ask questions. Give concrete examples of why you think there is a risk of suicide. Never show empathy and judgment. But insist that everyone has their own responsibility for their actions.

A suicidal person must meet someone from psychiatry at a time. Call 112 or go to an emergency room. If possible – do not leave the person alone.

Suicide is often impulsive. Suicidal people are often ambivalent in the last. It is possible to influence them. Emphasize that you can get help and things get better.

Fishes: 116,111, Adult Phone: 077-150 50 50.

Help Line: 0771-220060.

Priest Judge: Access via 112.


Suicide: 901 01.

Cat: spirit .se.

Red Cross: Telefonjour: 0771-900 800.

Collaborator: 020-22 24 44.

SPES (National Association for the Prevention of Suicide and Survivor Support): Special.

Journals: 08-34 58 73.

Source: and

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