Friidrottsstjernen is the subject of an investigation for doping offense – DN.SE


On Thursday, representatives of the Swedish Friidrottsförbundet led a special meeting on a new tough doping case. The athlete who has belonged to the national team and participated in several major championships was reported by the anti-doping commission of the Riksidrottsförbundet after missing three anti-doping tests

Stefan Olsson, Federal Secretary General, confirms that there is a notification against the athletes and the federation has submitted a request for re-evaluation

He says he is hopeful that the case will not reach the anti-doping committee

– I will certainly not trivialize, but there are unfortunate circumstances and our view is that there are good reasons for at least one of these missions to be removed, "says Olsson, who argues that the Conflicts in the administrative system can make it difficult to manage the residence report.

He explains that himself has not been in contact with the athlete, but with his coach. The federation is of the opinion that the case will not affect the season of the activity.

– We are now awaiting the responses of the Anti-Doping Commission and hope that the case will not be passed on to the Board of Directors. If that were to happen again, I think it will take a long time to decide, "says Olsson

All athletes must abide by strict rules for anti-doping work. This means, among other things, that the athlete must report in advance to Wada, the International Anti-Doping Agency, where anti-doping controllers may conduct flight tests next to the arena of competition.

An athlete who is not at the designated place receives a point in the Wadas system protocol, called ADAMS, Anti-Doping Administration and Management System.

Three of these points for 12 months are considered a doping offense. The punishment is over for 12-24 months.

According to the DN experiment, the third puncture of the current Swedish athlete occurred just at the end of the twelve month period.

The system was criticized among others because the inspectors are not considered to have done enough to find the athlete.

International Tennis Federation closed earlier this year by Frenchman Alize Cornet after missing three test sessions. The World Cell was released in May by Cas, the athletic arbitration tribunal, stating that the attempt by the test staff to find Cornet did not meet the requirements advocated by Wada.

British cyclist Lizzie Deignan was released after similar circumstances. His third offense, later stretched, took place in a hotel in Sweden.

Even the British world star Mo Farah was pointed twice before the London Olympics in 2012, where he won the double gold.

Aregawi was first closed for use of a message, but later released.

An athlete misses a doping test that happens several times a year in Sweden and should be a member of the Swedish Athletics Association. cause great caution.

Stefan Olsson says that the League already after the first points has taken steps to not risk the athlete re-think the mistake.

– Absolutely, we did it. But without going into details, we consider that one of these offenses should be able to "disappear" and this is what we have called the anti-doping commission, "Olsson said.

The federation helped lawyers assist the activist on examination. The message of the Anti-Doping Commission is expected soon.

DN applied for the landslide runner and coach for a comment.

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