Frölunda won against Örebro | Aftonbladet


GOTHENBURG. 13 games without goal.

Against Örebro, Ponthus Westerholm was finally hit.

"It is clear that it was frustrating, I will not go under the chair," he says.

The pairing was tough for last season. But Ponthus and Pathrik Westerholm in Frölunda have not been successful. Pathrik missed most of the season last year with a damaged knee and this fall, Ponthus remained speechless, match after match.

– He is sitting in the head. I've created a lot of opportunities, but I've had a bit of poo. Now I have finally arrived and it gave us three points, he said.

Frölunda's eleventh consecutive victory against Örebro was far behind. The local team played "hockey on the outside" as Roger Rönnberg said. This was not the best played fall match, as the 7,253 spectators of the Scandinavium were invited.

But Ponthus Westerholm broke in.

"We did not play really well and made a lot of opportunities, that's something we have to eliminate, but the goal was important, incredibly beautiful.

At 6.04 in the third period, he finally received a dividend. Westerholm stood in front of goal and headed Chay Genoway's shot between the legs of Örebromålvakten Eero Kilpeläinen. Then he slowly crushed himself against the sargen.

You almost seem shocked to finish the goals?

– Haha, yes … But the judge is standing next to me and dismissed the target. I felt that it was taking place somewhere inside the goal, it felt inside. So I was pretty sure of myself, but I wondered why he had dismissed it. I did not know if it was a big club or something like that. But it was good that it was approved.

What do you say about your autumn, purely playful?

"I think five and I have played well, offensive but not relaxed on so many occasions, but just the result of that … I know I have to do more goals and contribute more. has something to work on every day, to be a little more specific and to help the team more.This is also self-confidence.

Can he let you go now?

"He can do very well, and if you have a good self-esteem, the result is usually positive, and it's clear that it's been in my head.

Then SHL plays and qualifies for SHL 0:50

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