Fucking Åmål fylles 20 years – so the film got cult status


"Fucking Cock-Aunt Fucking" screamed Elin, one of the main roles and protagonists of the film. The quote is classic, with "I want to kiss!" And scenes like the one where Elin is invited by her sister Jessica not to climb the wells, as this could happen to both anal sex and AIDS. The last boring scene where Elin and Agnes, coming out of the closet, stays home and drinks where the boy is also widely known.

"It's a phenomenal portrayal of a small town of a rather mocked group.Young people really need to be at the center and their life and feelings are quoted seriously, warmly and respectfully," said Sofia Olsson, film critic for Kulturnyhetten.

"A story of universal love"

The film has achieved cult status in a whole generation with its portrayal of lesbian love in a small Swedish town. Even after a week and a half, 90,000 people watched the movie at the movies. "A fucking crazy movie!", Writes Aftonbladet in his article on Fucking Åmål 1998.

"It's a universal love story, and the movie normalizes lesbian love and does it without a problem, it's revolutionary, and a gay love movie that everyone has seen is also very big." , said Sofia Olsson.

Cult Status

The film's great impact made it a common reference for an entire generation and Sofia Olsson believes there might be a reason why the film has achieved cult status.

"Then there must be some cool things like a really cool and fun dialogue.Also, Hollywood dramaturgy is compelling and easy to take in. It's incredibly well done.

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