Gerill war on machinery in the 80s in Sweden


Avalanche relies on a description of the alternative history where the Cold War Sweden is supported by huge machines. The next "zero generation" is a survival game that involves guerrilla tactics – and with a few friends – discovering what really went wrong.

Swedes who knew the 1980s will be recognized in the world of video games that is painted. The texts and documents found will be in Swedish, but they will also be translated into English. Press picture Image: Avalanche

It is November 1989 and something terrible has happened. A friend who returns from an excursion in the archipelago is attacked and the gang boats are being lowered. When hunted friends manage to swim, it is above all survival, and second, to find out what really happened.

The "zero generation" is something as unusual as a game that is played in Sweden. The atmosphere looks like a mix between the Netflix series "Stranger Things" and the game company Avalanches hunting game "The Hunter: Call of Nature" – stuck with giant machines attacking shady animals flying at your approach.

The authors, the director Emil Kraftling, tell him that he was inspired by the war games of childhood in the forests of Närke

– We realized that there was an exciting story about Sweden during the Cold War.

Interest in the Fair of Play E3, where the game was presented to an international audience, testified that the 1980s Sweden could also attract foreign players. Dan Peake, the main designer of the development team, also looks great similarities with the scene and England where he grew up.

– It's pretty interesting to see the similarities with my own childhood, I've also grown up in the 1980s say in Sweden. In many ways, it's very similar, but there are also special qualities, he says

. Much of the technology has been recycled from the call of nature. A German hunting ground is reminiscent of Swedish forests, and the technique of stealth, the way you discover and discover their specific bodies now has new uses.

– All enemies are made up of different elements. Some are more vulnerable. Spitting them can maximize the damage. The components also control the systems, their optical lenses can be pushed to stop seeing you. You can knock out the hydraulic pumps in their legs so that they can not move. According to Kraftling, you can be tactical to take the enemy

"Zero Generation" can be played alone or in conjunction with three others. The world of extended game has a day cycle that, along with the weather, affects the experience.

Why did machines take over and what happened to everyone in the world of destiny? clues – such as maps, slides and messages recorded on the answering machine.

This also applies to finding items, weapons and extras that can help you along the way. An enemy can, for example, be equipped with a thermal camera and turn on the machine without damaging the camera, it can be used as your own weapon. Initially, most enemies will find themselves too hard to defeat in a fire fight. Instead, you must sneak or use the environment to his advantage. An abandoned car with a filled tank can explode, and a cabin can send electric shocks that paralyze the machines. Emil Kraftling describes it as a guerrilla war

– We want you to feel that the odds are against you, you must collect to overcome, he says.

"Zero Generation" was released on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and via Zero Generation "

" Zero Generation "is a survival game played in an open world, specifically somewhere in Sweden in November 1989. The company Swedish game Avalanche – who also works with the game "The Hunter", the adventure game "Just Cause 4" and the first shooter "Rage 2" – releases the game under his own flag , which, according to their own exposure, meant "total creative freedom."

from the Wildlife Appeal, the big game was possible despite a relatively small development group of about 30 people.

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