German Nynazist sentenced to life imprisonment for ten murders


Beate Zschäpe participated fully in the Nazi cell of the NSU (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund) tour in the years 2000 to 2006. The Munich court now sentences her to life imprisonment.

Read more: She is accused of ten murders – now the German Nynazist wants to get a low penalty

The Terror Group admitted nine murders of migrants committed between 2000 and 2006, and assaulted the murder of A 22-year-old police in Heilbronn 2007. The other two NSU members Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt died after being discovered by the police.

Read more: End of Survivors in Naziligan: Is Guilty

Several Other Persons ] who, in various ways, allegedly helped the terrorist group to be prosecuted. The man who has been acquitted of the sentence of murder is sentenced to ten years in prison and two others to three years in prison.

One of them is considered young when he was 20 years old at the time. He was also the only one who showed repentance during the trial, writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung

. 38-year-old man sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for helping NSU troi to hide after death

Zschäpe himself claims that she was an innocent bystander, and that she only participated in a few bank robberies that the group made. She also claims to abstain from Nazism and right-wing extremism.

However, in the judgment against her, the "peculiar severity" of the debt is determined, which means that she probably can not be released after 15 years, which is common in life. According to the newspaper, the sentence is probably punished between 17 and 23 years in prison, and it is also possible that she does not get out at all.

Text is being updated.

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