Gert Fylking went urgently to the hospital: "Could not stay up"


It was early in the month that Gert Fylking became ill and had to be rushed to the hospital.

In the morning radio show "Rix Morronzoo" aired Friday with Roger Nordin and Laila Bagge, Gert Fylking recounts his tough week.

"You had a boring week," says Roger Nordin on the radio.

– You can say yes. It started a week ago. When I became very bad, I had a blood poisoning and I could not stand it anymore. I took an ambulance to our neighbor here at Södermalm in Stockholm, Södersjukhuset. They've welcomed me and graded me instantly, I've never had such sores in my life, says Gert Fylking on the radio show.

Gert Fylking talks hard days at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm.


"In the end, they bowed"

But eventually, the doctors managed to cure the infection and get rid of the poisoning of the profile by the blood.

"In the end, they bowed in front, they had an x-ray and they wore it," he says.

The program manager, Roger Nordin, asks if the doctors could not have alleviated the pain felt by Fylking while he was suffering terribly from blood poisoning.

The only thing they could do was to cancel the infection, and they did it. So, I was printed Wednesday, says Gert Fylking.

Gert Fylking was forced to stay in the hospital for five days before being considered safe enough to be sent home – a message that reacted to program manager Laila Bagge.

"How long," Laila Bagge said patiently.

"I was very bad," said Gert Fylking about the disease.

Expressen has applied for Gert Fylking.

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