Gif Sundsvall Peter Wilson misses the rest of the season



Peter Wilson misses the rest of the season.

The attackers of Gif Sundsvall are forced to undergo surgery and disappear until six months.

"We'll see if he'll be back at the start of the season next year," coach Joel Cedergren told ST.

Peter Wilson has started 20 games and has scored four goals for Gif Sundsvall this season. Now the striker misses the rest of the season – and maybe even the start of the next one.

Wilson had problems with a tree that jumped his arms and he is now forced to undergo surgery.

– He has a shoulder that is not good. We have decided that it will work, it will be done after the season and we will have a recovery time before taking it. He will be lost between 3-6 months, says the coach of "Giffarnas" Joel Cedergren in ST and continues:

"We'll see if he'll be back at the start of the season next year.

"Hard to dress"

According to Cedergren, the problems are so important that Wilson also has problems in everyday life.

"I thought he'd be operating, he's got a long career ahead of him and he was going year after year with a distorted shoulder, that would not work well, even though I'd like to be with him since January." But he will have a long career and his civilian life is also affected, he has trouble wearing clothes, it hurts him, he says.

Sundsvall is seven years old in Sweden with four games to play.

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