Gisslandrama in Silverlake, Hollywood – teen hunter


The teen pulled his grandmother to Hollywood and stole his car

In the ensuing police chase, he crashed and ended up in a shotgun with the police

Now he has moved into a supermarket. A giant assault of police, firefighters and up to 20 ambulances is in place in front of the famous Trader Joe supermarket in downtown Silverlake tourist resort in Los Angeles

Since 22:30 Saturday night, Swedish time, the alleged regime of hostages took place. – This is a current situation. We communicate with the suspect and try to raise him so that we can put a peaceful end to it, "police spokesman Barry Montgomery told CNN Television (19659005).

Unknown number of people stay at Trader Joe's with armed teenager

– We know there are people in there, but not how much, "says Barry Montgomery.

Drama began with the teenager shooting down his grandmother and another relative in Hollywood.He then took the grandmother's car and forced the other woman into the car.

Police Quickly resumed the hunt and dropped the heel when the teenager crashed into a post outside Trader Joe.He had two shots at the police – who fought back with four shots against man

No shots should have been encountered.

Injured parent remained in the car. She was taken to the hospital but n & # 39; Is not hurt to life

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