Gisslandrama in Silverlake, Hollywood – Teenager


The teenager flew into a Los Angeles supermarket after a car race and a shot with the police.

After five hours he was handcuffed and arrested by the police.

During the hostage, he pulled a woman into the store.

A giant assault of police, firefighters and up to 20 ambulances was in place outside the famous Trader Joe supermarket in Los Angeles near Silverlake.

The suspect ram had continued since 22:30 Saturday night, Swedish time.

"We communicate with the suspect and try to arrest him so that we can put a peaceful end to it," police spokesman Barry Montgomery said during the CNN live broadcast

. voluntary in the handcuffs that he had put on himself. He was stopped by the police force of intervention in front of the entrance. Shortly after, at least half of the customers left the store

Others had managed to fly earlier in the frame, including through a window

at a time. press conference held by Mayor Eric Garcetti. The aggressor in the store

His life could not be saved.

– The police took him out of the store. She was declared dead here, he said.

Drama began with the teenager who shot his grandmother and another woman in Hollywood. He then took the grandmother's car and forced the other woman into the car.

According to the BBC, the health status of the grandmother is critical.

Police quickly chase and drop the heel when the teenager crushes in a job outside of Trader Joe. – who responded with four shots against the man. One of them met the teenager in his arm

The injured parent remained in the car. She was taken to the hospital but was not injured for life

The American president, known for following the evening news on television, twisted during the ongoing drama:

The Swedish actor Ola Normelli, 40, of Gothenburg, had lunch with a friend of a nearby restaurant when he suddenly heard of sirens.

] – It was an incredible mission. First, five police cars chased a car. Then there were certainly twenty police cars.

The restaurant is two miles from Trader Joe's, and after lunch, it took Ola Normelli time to get home.

– There were lockouts and a lot of police cars. It was a bit strange, because just before the move, I sat down and talked about tranquility at Silverlake

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