Give your opinion on Epifónia Circus Cirkör


NYCIRKUS | EXAMINATION. "The hard of change" says the circus artist and poet Kajsa Bohlin Towards the end of the show, "it's that the structures are so deep in us". She is at the top of a scaffolding, the structure that literally constitutes the scenography of the show. It reminds the coast or a cathedral. Immediately after saying that, she assembles it with the rest of the set.

"Epiphany" means "exclamation" in Greek, almost invocation. In this Tilde Björfors The latest works by Circus Cirkör pay particular attention to the front of the women's championships, but above all, the performance takes off in the diversity of voices that particularly resounded last year with Metoo as title. What could have been a short-term viral hashtag has become a redundant, global, ever-changing movement – and its strength may not lie in those who speak but listen.

Carnival mood

Tilde Björfors' previous performances, "Frontiers", "Limits" and "Movements", focused on boundaries and boundaries, and the year with Metoo also meant a kind of cross – border. Social norms, laws sometimes. Carnival atmosphere on the internet. What a business to do a circus when you think about it.

To be an idea that focuses on community and solidarity and to dismantle structures, it is always in the individual numbers that the energy is the highest. Seven circus artists from, among others, Poland, Palestine, Canada, and Greece are on stage, and acrobatic arts tables are connected by speech-like speech and, at some point, by rap.

Breathtaking and fatal

Among the highlights, there is a breathtaking pink cyr number where Kajsa Bohlin and Sarah Lett assault to death swirls on the stage, and Karolina Wojtowicz The numbers of Hairline are both poetic and astonishing. Rebekka Karijords Music often incorporates languages, voices, and songs all together. The eclectic sound image gives "Epifónima" a distinctive character, anchoring it in the present time.

But the balance between the current arts and the subject of performance is not completely defined, the message is too broad. During the work process, a manifest has been published in the program sheet, but it looks more like a list of Type 1 meeting points on adult mobbing strategies than anything that calls for action or reflection. "Set / Width / Help at / Eye Height" rings a dot. "Do not look away / react / act" another.


The Nycirkus language may be simply different from the order. It is not necessary to explain the challenge and the primordial: it is in the bodies that produce things that you do not think physically possible. A metaphor not very stupid in itself for women's struggle.



Circus Cirkör

In cooperation with the Östgötateatern

Stora teatern, Gothenburg


Playtime 2 t.

Hanna Johansson is the critic of the cultural side of Expressen.

In the TV above, the last section of Culture Express is displayed. This week Karin Olsson talks with artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin about the exhibition "Ecce Homo" celebrating her 20th birthday.

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