Good luck seeing the Aurora Borealis in – News


"Charge the batteries, prepare your warm clothes and get ready for the evening!"

It is the opinion of Norrsken Sweden, the largest Nordic Nordic community in the Nordic region, to give to its members.

The reason for the optimism is the return of the same coronary hole that drove many readers out with cameras a month ago.

"Right now we are in the waiting times." We criticized the big drummer, said Jörgen Tannerstedt, photographer and one of the website's managers.

However, it is still unclear when activity on the sky falls.

"A lot of people want it to start at 6 pm, so you can keep up with your daily routine, but tonight it looks like the aurora borealis are coming later in the evening.

In Östergötland and southern Småland, the clouds will take a little overnight.

– The clouds are clumsy. It should preferably be clear at least. The moon can sometimes cause problems of contrast in the sky, but this night it will be completely gone at half an hour. So the conditions are very good, says Jörgen Tannerstedt.

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