Good luck to the schedule in India


On Monday, a new education reform was launched in India. The program presented by the Dalai Lama aims to educate students in happiness and joy.

Nearly one million students in the Delhi area will have a daylong lesson on the skoe schedule to increase their ability to feel joy. The plan is for students to develop their skills in happiness by improving attention, self-awareness, critical thinking and social awareness through lectures, discussions and activities such as meditation

– I think modern education should combine with the old knowledge that we already have here, said Dalai Lama during its launch at Thyagraj stadium in Delhi on Monday.

The Meeting of the East and the West

Western science and what is often called Eastern wisdom come together for many years, especially in psychology where the Dalai Lama is often invited to share his scientific lecture knowledge in the world. The theory of so-called KBT therapy is similar to many parts of the Buddhist doctrine.

Meditation and other forms of attention will be a key element of the new program for happiness – as the scientific community in the West has managed to show positive effects. . Empirical studies show, among other things, that thousands of people are altering the brain activities of people who are meditating and that anecdotes about the improvement of the state of mind are found.

"May create a revolution"

According to the Times of India, about 50,000 teachers initially begin to participate in "happo" lessons in the Delhi area. Several states in India are about to begin the so-called ministry of luck, which in various ways will make the population feel more joy and meaning. The Dalai Lama believes that education is only the beginning of something much bigger.

– I think this country can create a new revolution in education. Then this will affect many other countries in Asia, but also Europe, South America and North America. Therefore, I think your work will benefit the whole world and all mankind, he said in his speech to several thousand teachers during the presentation in Delhi.

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