Google needs two years of regular security updates from Android manufacturers.


Android manufacturers will no longer be able to escape by not issuing security updates for their older phone models, writes The Verge.

In the secret deals that the site has obtained between Google and the manufacturers, it seems that the company now requires that Android security updates be installed on the manufacturers' phones for at least two years from their date. launch.

Companies do not need to keep the same rate of high updates as Google itself with an update every month, but must publish at least four in the first year and an unspecified number less than l & # 39; other. At the end of each calendar month, manufacturers must have blocked all known security vulnerabilities discovered more than 90 days ago.

The new contract has been in effect since January 31, 2018 and phones activated by at least 100,000 users. The Verge contract provides for the sale of mobiles in the EU and the use of Google's apps.

Older models do not have new versions of Android and barely even security updates have long been a problem on the Android platform. We hope that the stricter rules of Google will increase the security of users.

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