Gorilla Glass 6 will provide more durable and smarter mobile phones


In the last six months, the development of smartphones has come from the fact that all phones look like all phones, since almost all manufacturers invest in glass.

Cornings Gorilla Glass 6 is not yet more resistant to glass, but it is also possible to engrave patterns and images.

Cornings Gorilla Glass has become dominant over the years in making mobile screens more durable and continuously improving revenue. years. The news in Gorilla Glass 6 compared to the previous version five is that you look more closely at the long-term durability of the glass. In the past, it has been suggested that the glass of the screen should withstand a detonation without cracking, but that does not mean that the shock does not cause changes in the glass that make it more fragile next time that the accident is over. Gorilla Glass 6 is now able to withstand 15 cases against a hard surface one meter in height, which is a little more than twice as much as Gorilla Glass 5.

However, we can not expect the glass freezes without scratches. There is often a contradiction between these characteristics, just think of the plastic, which can be made unbreakable but the letter. Corning does not mention any improvement in scratch resistance in this version, and some versions of Gorilla Glass have better scratch resistance than others, which means that some manufacturers have an older version of Gorilla Glass on it. lens of the camera. a Gorilla Glass even on the back of the phone has not passed Corning unnoticed, and so the other good news with Gorilla Glass 6 is that you can burn images and patterns directly into the glass, which opens obviously for a wider variety of glass backs on mobiles. We have seen previously how Oneplus on some of its Oneplus 6 variants has covered the glass on the back for a different finish, but here we are talking not only about patterns but also about colors and clean images. According to Corning, the etching process does not affect the durability of the glass, but on the contrary, the texture helps the glass maintain its durability and makes it even more resistant. 19659002] Gorilla Glass 6 is expected to appear on mobile phones next year.

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