Government accuses Islamist bikers – Pages


Party leaders, who are in exile, deny any interference and say that the authorities are using the attack for political purposes. The IS extremist group took the assassination Monday.

The four cyclists from the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland were killed when they were struck by a car and later knives from people coming out of the car. Two other cyclists are taken care of at the hospital, one with knife wounds. In a statement, the interior minister of Tajikistan said that four other suspects had been arrested and accusing the attack on the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT). According to the authorities, one witness admitted that the leader of the attack had been trained in Iran and that the group was planning to fly to Afghanistan after deception.

IRPT leader Muhiddin Kabiri says the government is seeking to attract the attention of real delinquents. ignore that IS took the attack.

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