Had the longest nails in the world – now he cut them


Shridhar Chillal of Pune in western India did not cut the nails to the left hand since 1952.

Or to 66 if desired

But in the week it was time – and now the nails must be placed on a Shiphar Chillal was 14 years old when he decided to take care of Ripley's Believe It or Not! Announcement of Names Strange Phenomenon and Objects.

Save Your Nails At that time, there was no Guinness Book Book, but Shridhar Chillal saw it only as a personal challenge. The decision was caused by breaking a long nail on one of his teachers, who hit him hard. Having long nails, or at least a long fingernail, means high status in India.

Before Shridhar Chillal, under sharp forms, cut his nails, they measured the entire nine meters. Among other things, the lillfingernagel measured more than 1.8 meters and the thumbnail of 1.98, according to the Guinness Book of Records.


Started well –

In the beginning, long nails were not a problem.

Shridhar Chillal lived a normal and happy life, was married and had two children and a successful career as a press photographer for the government

. Worse for Shridhar Chillal

Long nails and its weight had physical consequences and gave Shridhar Chillal but for life.

His hand is blocked and he can not now properly stretch his hand or fingers. He does not know if he can use his hand in the future.

– I have pain. With each heartbeat, my fingers, my wrist, my elbow and my shoulders hurt my fingers, and at my fingertips, there is a constant burning pain, he says in an interview with Guinness Record Book .

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Obtained Abrasive Machine Used

The nails also prevented Shridhar Chillal from moving socially until the end. They also have trouble sleeping and sleeping properly in bed.

– I do not move so much, so every half hour I wake up and move my hand across the bed, says Shridhar Chillal at Huffington Post


Shridhar Chillal gets nails cut in New York

However, this was not enough with a nail chisel, but you should contact a doctor who, in turn, assured you remove the nails with some kind of grinder. A procedure that lasted more than 20 minutes, according to the Guinness Book of Records

Shridhar Chillals nails – after the cut. [19659000]]

Shridhar Chillal's Nails were Confiscated at the Times Square Museum in New York

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The 82-year-old man says that he first feared losing celebrity who, like nails, has grown over the years.

– But after coming to the museum today, I realize that I became a real celebrity after that. Now, my nails will be remembered for the future and my nails will be seen by people all over the world, "Shridhar Chillal told the magazine Patch New York .

Shridhar Chillal stands and admires the nails of the exhibition where the nails now

Photo: Press Image: Ripley believes it or not!

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