Håkan Mild saw England: "They are spoiled young people"


They broke the curse and won a punishment for the first time in the history of the World Cup.
But at Håkan Mild, the English did not impress
– that's the spoiled young people who serve multum, says GP's profile. After a penalty shootout against Colombia last night, England qualifies for the finals of the World Cup

This is the first time the English have won a shootout on goal at a world championship

] Sweden was even worse than we imagined "says among others the Daily Mail


"I can not improve"

But now, England is also on a blouse.

This is Håkan Mild, Swedish 94 Hero and now an expert commentator on Radio Sports, who is hardly impressed by our m

Sweet is happy that it's just England, not Colombia, because Sweden is opposed to the quarter-finals.

– England … it can not be better. You grew up with English football at Tipsextra. Skitkul, he says in an interview with GP

Said the game of England

Besides Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Håkan Mild scored the most goals against England in national history with three hits

. 19659002] – They think that they are so bad. They are not. It's not that you become terrified when you see the team. This corresponds to Sweden.

– Against England, they are just limited. They are spoiled young people who serve multum. Svennis: "It's a shame they do not win the World Cup"

The Arena – This is the 2018 World Cup 00:59

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