Half of parents are avoided in the ages –


It turns out that with age marking does not always mean so much for parents. An investigation of the British Childcare site, where 2,000 parents were interviewed, found that more than half of parents allowed their children to play 18-year-old games without supervision or after reviewing the game's content. The survey also showed that parents seem very different on this point with movies and games. When more than half of the respondents had no major problems with children playing games with 18-year-olds, only 18% of parents let their children aged 10-14 watch a movie with young people. 18 years old

. Perhaps worrying was the fact that 43% of parents had seen negative changes in their children's behaviors, and just under a quarter said their children began to understand and use unusual and ugly language. 19659002] Childcares founder Richard Conway realized how difficult parents can be with children whose friends are already playing with age limits, but he still thinks parents should review what their children want to let them go. on the game in question.

"It's hard nowadays to govern what your child is exposed to, because if your 10-year-old child has friends who play Fortnite, which is ranked 12, you want them to be included in the fun. "

Thank you Eurogamer

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