Hanna Falk beat Charlotte Kalla during a secret test


Friday is equal to the premiere of the competition for Charlotte Kalla, Stina Nilsson, Halfvarsson Street and the rest of the Swedish skipper at Bruksvallarna.

More precisely with 5 kilometers of freedom for the ladies, 10 kilometers of freedom for the gentlemen.

This will be a first indication of how the stars have achieved their long season.

Or, at least officially, the first one.

Secret test race between the stars

In silence, the boys of the national team organized two test competitions the last days in Bruksvallarna. However, the results are not what anybody wants to say when he is open.

But SportExpressen has taken note of the results of the internal tests – and it is a skier that stands out.

The team ran two distance races.

The first won Hanna Falk ahead of Stina Nilsson and Charlotte Kalla.

In the past, Hanna Falk was the second to be hit by Charlotte Kalla with 15 seconds on the 13km track. Trea was Ebba Andersson. Stina Nilsson finished seven years.

Of course, these are extremely impressive results from Hanna Falk, who is also better known as a speed skater.

The national team also did a sprint race race, just as Hanna Falk won it.

Covered by the national team

When SportExpressen reads Falk's performance line for landscape manager Rikard Grip, the answer is just "hello?"

You do not want to confirm anything?

"No, I will not comment on internal test competitions," says Rikard Grip.

According to data from SportExpressen, it's mostly a skier who impressed men.

The last test race of more than 12 kilometers had won Calle Halfvarsson ohotat. He was more than 20 seconds ahead of 2nd Jens Burman. Trea finished Viktor Thorn.

Just Halfvarsson has chosen to participate in Friday's race in Bruksvallarna, instead of Saturday and Sunday.

Stina Nilsson also has the same disposition in women.

Daniel Rickardsson ready for departure

However, Daniel Rickardsson will start Friday. The veteran was otherwise a question mark – a few days ago he had decided to cancel the Bruksvallarna camp instead of training at his home.

"But now, Daniel is back and ready to start on Friday, and then we'll take it on a day-to-day basis," said Rikard Grip.

Two national hunters have however disappeared this weekend: Oskar Svensson and Jonna Sundling are cold.

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