Hate Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars prompted actor Ahmed Best to consider suicide


Jar Jar Binks impressed the public when he appeared in the sequel to Star Wars: "Episode I – The Phantom Threat" of 1999.

Voice and Large Body Parts and Gun Movement weird by the actor Ahmed Best.

He was 25 years old and it was his first big role in the movie.

What he did not know when the scenes were recorded was that Jar Jar Binks would become one of the most hated characters in Star Wars movies.

A strong and strong part of the public – and even critics – thought that Ahmed Best's efforts were unbearable. His gestures and tales were called everything from childhood and infantile to racist and stereotypical because he thought he was trying to imitate a motley Caribbean accent.

Now, Ahmed Best, 44, writes on Twitter that he has found himself in media campaigns affecting his career today, almost twenty years later. He writes that he was about to commit suicide and that it is still difficult to talk about what happened.

"I survived and now this little man is the spur that makes me want to live" He writes and posts a picture of himself with his son.

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