He brings the big game Mushroom on V75 to Örebro.



Global Adventure has corrected the win in the sponge of the big game.

Segercheck: SEK 515,000

"He was just the best today," says Erik Adielsson.

Then he continued on V75

The Storloppet Mushroom Örebro 2018 was decided on Saturday afternoon.

The race, which is one of the most important for two years, had gathered several giants.

And still it was the coach Svante Båth and the kiss Erik Adielsson who has been able to reap great successes.

Despite the worst track, Erik Adielsson managed to get out of the lead with the remaining goalkeeper. It's become quite profitable and after a tough duel with Belker, Global Adventure has gained a safe margin.

Then, the victory applauded.

"He was just the best, he had a pretty ugly race, but I had to do it today.If you still think a step, what will happen if Jansson arrives? Do I have to go d & # 39; First in the third runs then? I think it was the only arrangement to win for us.It's really fun that.The horse is still undefeated.

Double odd search

However, the TV12 studio's experts noticed a really strange thing after the race.

During the difficult final battle, Global Adventure was forced "to fulfill its needs" – something that does not happen often.

Nevertheless, the horse managed to do two things at the same time and to be first on the finish line.

"Haha, yes, he went a little to the bathroom but he could win anyway, it is not so common, but it was fine that he stretches and wins when even, "laughs Erik Adielsson.

"I was wrong …"

Gotland's profile coach, who had the best Belker, was disappointed with the loss.

"It was a bit false when the two Båth horses arrived before and only 14 went into the yard, but the horse did a great run.The horse needs a half-turn, he "I'm pleased with the horse's performance, but dissatisfied with the location," says Sten O Jansson after Belker's second place.

Micke Nybrink, TV12 expert, commented on the race in the following way.

"The winner was probably only the best, Adielsson moved away from Belker and took the death, which has become crucial," Micke Nybrink said.

"Belker runs a bit, but it's a real problem.

Trea in the race ended Bythebook, Svante Båth's second horse.

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