He replaces Josefsson in "Mission Review"


This spring, journalist Janne Josefsson told him to end the editorial of the SVT on the "Mission Review".

It is now clear that journalist Ali Fegan will assume the role of program leader this fall with Karin Mattisson.

– It is a great honor and a great honor to be program leader in one of the best TV research programs in Sweden and around the world. After ten years of research on publishers, I'm getting ready, says Ali Fegan in a press release.

Ali Fegan is linked to the program as a journalist specializing in excavation since 2008.

READ MORE: Josefsson's New Life After "Mission Review" [19659002]

Janne Josefsson is a model

Janne Josefsson began working on the SVT "Mission Review" in 2001. Since then he has become a member of the program and together with his colleague Hannes Råstam has won the Goldspade Award

Ali Fegan thinks it's good to resume his style.

– Janne has always been a model, so it seems unreal to follow him. It's a big challenge and it will not be an easy match. But the editors are made up of some of the best Swedish journalists, so let's review the mission, I promise. In addition, I have his number so if everything goes to hell, I will call him, "says Ali Fegan in the press release.

Janne Josefsson is also very happy with her replacement.

– When I discovered that Ali would be the head of the assignment review program, I thought better choices did not exist. He is an incredibly competent journalist and his accountability talks are brilliant, says Janne Josefsson in a press release and continues:

– In addition, he never expects to raise controversial issues. Ali is a free and discreet journalist of the highest level. It's an excellent recruitment and I wish him the best for the program.

READ MORE: Josefsson reviews: "Made their lives in hell"

Several award-winning reports

Since 2000, Ali Fegan has been working as journalist. During his career, he worked as a freelance journalist for newspapers such as Focus, Offside and Expressen.

During his time on the editorial "Mission Review," he also made several thoughtful and award-winning reports such as "A School for All" and "A Better Life."

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