Heavy blow for Växjö Lakers – Austin Ortega gone for Christmas


The forecast: the quintet is back


Austin Ortega.

Heavy blow for Växjö.

Forwarden Austin Ortega is injured and should be back only around Christmas.

Oliver Bohm did not return until December.

On Thursday, Växjö had a double attack on the Rögle table rabbit.

The team dropped 3-6 and Austin Ortega – the East's score in recent times – was forced to slip away following a poor start from Rögles Kodie Curran.

After that, Ortega was the subject of an investigation.

And now the message comes:

Five players at a distance

Forwarden is expected to be back around Christmas, according to the Växjö website. It should miss at least ten matches of the SHL.

But the injured party does not stop there.

In the last game against Mora (6-1 win last Saturday), four other players were missing: Oliver Bohm, Martin Lundberg, Liam Reddox and Brendan Shinnimin. Bohm, who injured the Malmö Redhawks on Oct. 11, could return a little earlier than Austin Ortega, running in December.

As for Lundberg, Reddox and Shinnimin, everyone will be back after the resignation of the national team when Växjö will be in Linköping on November 13th.

Växjö is located seven on the board.

So many SM Gold have SHL team 0:26

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