Heavy scalp for RIK – defeated the mate | Gothenburg after


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Thursday night, the team recovered for the third consecutive time when the big surprise of the fall, IFK Skövde, was convincing by 38-29 to Lisebergshallen, in a match where the offensive of the RIK has long thrown a eye.

"We have come a long way today and we have scored a lot of goals, we have got a better stop than Skövde at the back, but what bet for this win is that we have completely We have been extremely cautious in our finish and it was a real shot in the future – we were pretty damn good, "said Oliver Wigmark, who, with seven goals, was RIK's best goalkeeper.

It all started, however, a bit tentative.

Skövde, with a great finishing coat in place at Lisebergshallen, started well early on and it was the early management of the guests, 4-2.

But the local team would not only participate in the match but take over.

He was 18-16 in a break.

"Best season of the season"

More than ever, Skövde has never been released.

Tobias Johansson started the second period by patting a pair of balls. And after that, it did not take long before it was completely out of Jasmin Zuta's crew.

An attack after the model was run and several home players, with Oliver Wigmark and August Wiger, were in the lead with several good individual performances.

"We ran, ran and ran and they became more and more tired.It was really fun to play today.It was like scoring goals by the second, said Wigmark.

Jasmin Zuta was impressed by what he saw from his team.

"It was the best bet of the season, Skövde is against such good resistance – and we have passed them – they have never had the opportunity to breathe." They scored goals we still scored.It is as if we were heading towards something.

"Was another RIK after that"

And in which direction the cursor is pointing, there is no doubt. The win was RIK's third straight and in the last eight games, there was only one defeat against Lugi.

"I think the trend was broken against Lugi, and after that match there was another RIK, and although we did not go that far, we played better after that," Zuta said. :

– It was the best until now, but there is still a lot left. I still think we have more to give.

Next time, the double derbyn is waiting for RIK. First against Önnered. Then direction Sävehof.

– Of course, we look forward to it. There will be two goa matches, Zuta concludes.

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