Henrik Zetterberg on lies about the damage


After 1082 games in the NHL, 137 games finished, a Stanley Cup win, a World Cup gold medal and an Olympic gold medal, Henrik Zetterberg, 38, announced last September that the career hockey was over. The Swedish shipper, who had been suffering from back problems for many years, announced that the damage had finally become too tense.

– It's obviously emotional. I have been here for 15 years and although I knew it was my last year, I would have liked to play a little longer, he said.

The world became aware of Zetterberg's back problems during the 2013-2014 season when he was forced to rest two months before Sochi's OS. Once at the Olympics, "Zäta" could only play one game before suffering such painful pain that he would stay in the Olympic Village for days before he could travel to the United States for operate.

Then he had back problems for many years and was well behind the scenes in the NHL years.

"He had previous back problems in 2006. He was forced to work extremely hard all year," said Red Wings GM Ken Holland.

Zetterbeg reveals details of his injury

Now, Zetterberg tells Detroit News exactly what his injury was like.

As a result of the operation that followed the OS in Sochi in the United States, Zetterberg again tried to skate. When he took a cut on the left, he did not feel his foot and collapsed into the ice. Zetterberg initially thought the Detroit materialists had not jumped enough on his skates, but it was not the fault at all.

The back problems caused nerve damage which led to the stopping of the Zetterberg ankle musculature.

"I could not control my ankle," says "Zäta".

With a hard teapot peg, he tried to play in the last game against the Boston Bruins.

– I played, but I could not go.

Zetterberg about the lies about the damage

Although the damage caused Henrik Zetterberg for a long time, there were very few who reached a nasty man. Zetterberg acknowledges that he and Red Wings lied and retrieved information about his health.

"We made sure to keep things out of the media, so I was not completely honest with everyone.

Although Zetterberg has to train constantly, he says he's pretty good. Work well – and go too.

"When I'm walking, I'm fine, but on a pair of skates, my ankle bends, so I can not play hockey.

Facts: Henrik Zetterberg

Age: 38 years old

Length: 182 cm

Weight: 89 kg.

Club: Detroit Red Wings.

Previous clubs: Timrå, Zug (during the 2012/13 lockout season).

Merit: Stanley Cup Winner (2008), Olympic Gold (2006), Olympic Silver (2014), World Cup Gold (2006), World Cup Silver (2003), World Cup Bronze ( 2001, 2002). Water Conn Smythe Trophy 2008, the trophy of the most valuable player of the last game of the NHL.

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