Here are all the contested celebrities in the new season of the class


The last season, which was also the first season of the Class Party, quickly became the poppy among Swedes and now there is a new group of Swedish celebrities to challenge in school subjects.

The program is run by Renee Nyberg a press release that does not matter how often they have been on television or have been on a stage, but they are always nervous about what will happen.

Tina Nordström

Tina is perhaps best known as Mat-Tina since she's been a chef and has been involved in several cooking programs since 2001.

Samir Badran

There attended Paradise Hotels 2013 and 2014 to then create a career as an artist. In collaboration with the fashion blogger Viktor Frisk the duo Samir & Viktor was created. They released their first game "Success" 2014.

  Samir Badran "title =" Samir Badran "/> 
<figcaption> Samir Badran and Viktor Frisk Image Source: Henrik Montgomery / TT </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  Claes Malmberg </strong></p>
<p>  You have seen Claes for the last time dancing rolled in Let's Dance, but what he is most famous as a stand-up actor and comedian. <span class=

Hanna Hedlund

Remember the song Lost Caller? It was Hanna who competed with this song in Hanna participated in several musicals, including Hujeda, I have a lot of songs and she was also a couple with the artist Martin Stenmarck for 19.

  Hanna Hedlund "title =" Hanna Hedlund "/> 
<figcaption> Martin Stenmark and Hanna Hedlund are a couple for 19 years. Image Source: Pontus Lundahl / TT </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  Jonas Hallberg </strong></p>
<p>  He is the stylist who styles great celebrities such as <strong> Cameron Diaz, Cindy Crawford, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift </strong> and <strong> Scarlett Johansson </strong>. You've probably seen Jonas in Top Model, Biggest Loser, and Vision Style </em></p>
<figure><img decoding= The actor and resource Ewa has participated in several films since 1975, some of which may be recognized as the Dream of America, Monster vs. Aliens, the Bomb and Men Who Hate Women


Maria is most famous for her participation in TV3's Swedish women in Hollywood, but in 2013 she was also a participant of Let's Dance She danced with Kristjan Lootus and finished in third place

  Maria "title =" Maria "/> 
<figcaption> Maria Montazami became the first known by the television series Svenska Hollywoodfruar. Kjell Bergqvist </strong></p>
<p>  Kjell is a popular Swedish actor who is an actor since 1971 But you probably saw him earlier in Monica Z, 30 degrees in February, the wedding photographer and the Dog Trial. </span></p>
<p><span class= Edward Blom

The last nine have seen Edward this year at the Melody Festival with the song Life on a Stick. He is most famous as a cultural historian, gastronome and author.

Sofia Wistam

She began working as a stylist and scenographer at the age of 16. Today, she is one of the leading Swedish animators. Sofia saw you in the Fort's prisoners, In Space, Temptation Island and the Angel of the Sofias.

Bianca Ingrosso

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