Here are the people who choose brexit – News


Goalkeeper: Theresa May

The first test of British Prime Minister Theresa May is to get the government to accept the draft agreement – which is far from over. If this is not the case, may be exchanged in a few days.

Back right: Arlene Foster

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Arlene Foster, leader of the DUP, North Irish Unionist Party.

Arlene Foster, leader of the Northern Irish party of the Unionist party in Northern Ireland, knows very well that her party's support is needed to give the government a majority in parliament. Do not learn to go first if it considers that the deal is harming Northern Ireland's relations with the rest of the country.

Mittbackar: Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg

The biggest threat to May and an agreement should be among the main members of parliament among Conservative MPs. Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg can very well bring enough colleagues to make an agreement. The question is that they dare to do so, given the risk of initiating a process that would make the party lose power.

Back left: Jeremy Corbyn

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Conservative MEP Boris Johnson.

Union leader Jeremy Corbyn has a divided position, a torn agreement giving rise to a crisis of government and a change of power, but likely to place the country without any agreement with the EU, as advocated by many members of the EU. left.

Rear riders on the right: Dominic Raab

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Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative Member of the European Parliament Stock Photography.

Brex Prime Minister Dominic Raab is officially the one managing the negotiations for Britain, although the current draft has been tabled by Olly Robbins. Raab is at the same time one of the main brexitic hangers of the government – and if it decides that the agreement is not enough, it may burst. Penny Mordaunt, Assistant Minister, Michael Gove, Minister of the Environment, and Esther McVey, Minister of Labor.

Spell Dealer in the middle: Michel Barnier

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Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labor Party. Stock Photography.

EU leaders, Michel Barnier, are much calmer and can hardly lose anything that their lover Sabine Weyand has already approved. Barnier has strong support from other EU countries. And even if some, if not all, are cold-blooded, it does not matter that no comprehensive agreement is needed to get EU approval.

Defensive Midfielder: Leo Varadkar

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British Prime Minister Dominic Raab.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar may oppose the strong support of other EU countries over the border with Northern Ireland. At the same time, goods play a vital role if they further oblige the EU to give somewhere in the negotiations to save an agreement.

Left runner: Nicola Sturgeon

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Michel Barnier, Executive Vice President of the EU. Stock Photography.

Kluven launches the Scottish nationalist party and its leader, Nicola Sturgeon, opposed to Brexit, but also to the union with England. An unconditional exit risks creating chaos – but also increases the possibility of a new referendum on independence.

Flight Attacker: Guy Verhofstadt

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Prime Minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar. Stock Photography.

When and if Britain has approved an agreement, the European Parliament must also say yes. Few people, however, believe that former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, who is responsible for the treatment of the Brexite in Parliament, will propose a no.

Center: Julian Smith

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The leader of the Scottish nationalist party Nicola Sturgeon. Stock Photography.

More anonymous in configuration, but perhaps the most important of all. As the whip of the British government – Chief Whip – it is Julian Smith who must achieve his goal: to get enough MPs to be able to say yes to the MAY agreement.

Already exchanged: David Cameron (former British Prime Minister) and David Davis (former British Prime Minister).

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Guy Verhofstadt, Head of Brexit Processing at the European Parliament. Stock Photography.

Potential residents: British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt (may become head of government).

Judge: agree. The disputes concern whether the European Court of Justice, the British courts or any other newly created forum should have the last word.

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