Here is the giant gift of fans – to Andreas and Sofie Granqvist


It started as a spontaneous incident after the eighth finals of Sweden against Switzerland. A Swedish fan wrote a post on Twitter – and suddenly a lot of football fans followed.

– He came into euphoria after the game. We were all happy, I made a most fun tweet and everyone started to swisha, says Niklas Nordén.

What he had written was that the Swedes would congratulate Sofie and Andreas Granqvist on the newborn. And there were many who wanted to do that.

– We collect a flower or a spruce. He came in euphoria after the game. We were all happy, I made a most fun tweet and everyone started to swisha, "says Niklas Nordén.

READ MORE: The fan collects money for a gift – donated to the Granqvist family / Niklasnorden / status / 1015527280708390912

Vill that everyone should enjoy the flowers

On Saturday, hours before the quarterfinals of Sweden against England, the gifts were handed out. And the result of the collection was abundant with pines – and perhaps the largest bouquet of flowers ever made in Påarp.

Those who received the gift were parents of Andreas Granqvist, Rose-Marie and Tommy. There was also Nova, the daughter of Andreas and Sofie, who at the time had a little sister to Mika.

– So what should you say? Estimate, I think everyone likes. It's absolutely amazing, it's beyond what you can understand and imagine. Of course, it's really fun, but at the same time nothing is planned. That's why he's even more fun and cheerful, says Rose-Marie at the evening's call.

Just then, she and her family sit in a car, head to the hospital – to leave the flowers of Sofie and little Mika. But the idea is that everyone can get acquainted with great gifts.

– These are not our flowers, it's Sofies and Andreas, and at the same time those who donated them will be delighted with them. We place them on the wall of the hospital so that everyone can see them and be happy, "says Rose-Marie Granqvist.

Sofie Granqvist writes himself about the collection and says:

" So cute of all of you, but give most of the money to a good charity, can -being in sport. "

READ MORE: Beautiful greetings from Sofie Granqvist – after childbirth

Spoke with "The Grain" this morning

The recipient of the gift was the artist Pidde P (Petter Hedwall) who recorded a song of the World Cup with the heroes of the landlag heroes. And probably it was a little overwhelming for Granqvist parents when all the flowers and pines were brought to the outside of the house …

What do you think of the match this after -midday?

– It's nervous of course, but at the same time very exciting. And you have some hope. But how it goes, we only see when the match is over, "says Rose-Marie Granqvist.

Do you dare to guess?

– Yes, the heart says we win, but I have no idea. No idea at all. But as they played and as I see them as a team, they have a chance.

Rose-Marie also tells her that she talked a bit short with Andreas in the morning. But he has something else to do, if you say so …

– Yes, we spoke for a few minutes this morning, but he did not talk much about him. He is focused on the match and downloads before.

Greetings before the match?

– A great happiness for the boys tonight – we are holding our fingers and toes and all that is going on and really hope that they will be able to play as well as before.

There are many others who hope too.

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