Here's everything you need to know about the coming blood moon in July


Now it's soon here, the most sick lunar eclipse. The blood moon of the century is on g and we are ready – of course?

But what is a lunar eclipse? We know that it becomes red – but why?

The lunar eclipse is something that occurs when a full moon moves in the shadow of the Earth. But since the path of the moon is about 5 degrees around the ground, it must be a special circumstance that it is just a lunar eclipse. The clear full moon must be revealed and the moon, the earth and the sun should be in an exact line.

  The Blood Moon lasts 1 hour and 43 minutes "title =" The Blood Moon lasts 1 hour and 43 minutes "/> 
<figcaption> Source: Pixabay </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  A total lunar eclipse can also be called a moon of blood </strong>  </p>
<p>  This is not the moon or the earth that sends the light, it is the atmosphere of the earth that curves the light, the red and orange light has a wavelength so great that it allows him to cross the atmosphere and penetrate the umbrella. that is, the shadow of the earth, which means that most of the light hits the surface of the moon – which makes the moon blush </p>
<p>  But how and where do you see the moon eclipse? The lunar eclipse occurs on the 27th July of this year and lasts 1 hour and 43 minutes, it is the longest 100-year-long lunar eclipse, writes popular astronomy. </p>
<p>  The moon is completely darkened by 21, 30 to 23.15. out to Malmo, because when a lunar eclipse occurs, try to be as far south as possible, because the moon is then higher. If you go further north, it may be a little harder to see the moon eclipse because the moon is farther in the sky, the moon is visible. Of course, everyone in the north of Sweden will also have the opportunity to see the lunar eclipse, but it will be the strongest in the southern part </p>
<p>  <strong> Take care to enjoy </strong> </p>
<p>  Under the moon is a bright star, it is Mars. If you are in southern Sweden, you can see Mars just under the moon, just above the horizon. But it is important to take pleasure in enjoying it. Namely, the combination, Mars and Moon Eclipse, is very unusual. </p>
<p>  <em> News24 already wrote when it was raining the sky, </em><em>  you can read more about it! </em></p>
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