Highway in Africa part of China's new secondary road


The Chinese Xi Jinping deepens his contacts with Senegal where the president goes to sign multiple trade agreements. The tours are the beginning of a longer African tour – at a time when African countries are eclipsed by cheap Chinese loans in exchange for minerals and construction contracts.

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The Asian giant deals more with Africa than any other nation – a consistent approach that contrasts sharply with the United States, where President Donald Trump has shown moderate interest in the continent.

Xi meets with President Mackay to sign several bilateral agreements as an extension of an already extensive trade relationship

Since the resumption of diplomatic relations in 2005, China has invested more than $ 1.8 billion. euros in the country, writes the AFP News Agency. Chinese companies represent a large part of Senegal's infrastructure – including a highway connecting the cities of Dakar and Touba – but also several sports arenas, a theater and a museum.

– Every time I come to Africa, I remember Mr. Xi told Hall that the Senegalese president admired China for its progress – which he said opened the way for other countries in the world. development.

In Africa a number of infrastructure initiatives, coordinated and funded by China as part of Xi's vision of the 'new side road', also called 'a belt, a road". Investments in the global transportation network with ports, roads and railways are estimated at about $ 125 billion.

The investments include, among others, 50 rail connections between European metropolises and Chinese cities, including Turkey and Pakistan. in countries like Malaysia and Belarus. Afghanistan was joined last week in the Pakistani "corridor" towards the Arabian Sea.

The African trip follows a three-day visit to Abu Dhabi, where Xi and the United Arab Emirates have agreed on expanded economic, political and security partnerships. The Emirates are eager to deepen their cooperation, the countries wrote in a joint statement Friday according to Reuters.

From Senegal Xi then travels to Rwanda and South Africa to join on Wednesday a meeting with the Brics countries, which besides China and South Africa also include Brazil, the Russia and India.

Some see in China's expansion as much help needed for developing countries that are suffering from a shortage of capital. Critics are worried that they will end up in a debt trap and in a privation of the Asian giant.

Facts: The Side Road Now and Now

  • The secondary road was a network of routes for transporting camels and horses from the deserted Chinese capital Xian and crossing the Caspian Sea into Europe. Commercial traffic began two decades ago, and has been declining for about 500 years. Then people became better at sea shipping, while the center of China was moving east, closer to the coast.
  • A few years ago, China began to market the "New Side Road". transport between Asia, Europe and Africa.
  • In total, the "belt" is affected by investments, ranging from the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea in the west, of three billion people.

Facts: Examples of Paris

  • Railways:
  • About fifty railway connections between European cities such as Madrid, London and Duisburg and Chinese cities. The trains of gods are twice as fast as cargo ships and much cheaper than air transport.
  • China also builds lines to the south, including Laos and Thailand. Soon, the uninterrupted rail between Europe and Singapore goes.
  • Many roads are currently not intended for passenger transport. But China has traced a vision that one day London-Bangkok would have to take a train that will not take more than two days
  • Ports:
  • Turkey: Kumport, to the west of d Istanbul, was bought by Chinese companies. ] Pakistan: Gwadar on the Arabian Sea connects the country road to Kashgar in Chinese Xinjiang. Gwadar also receives a new international airport
  • Greece: Piraeus, the Mediterranean logistic center, was bought by Chinese companies
  • Industrial Zones:
  • Malaysia: in Kuantan, steel, l & # 39; Aluminum and palm oil will be handled on a large scale. 19659014] Byelorussia: Since 2014, construction of China's largest industrial zone abroad is underway in the Minsk region.

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