Hitman 2 Review – Gamereactor


Agent 47 has been in the shadows since Hitman: Absolution 2012. But then, on the other hand, he first planned and executed two really solid missions. The first came in the form of the restart of 2016 (under the stylistic name "Hitman") and the second is now – under the same stylistic name Hitman 2. IO Interactive has vomited on the idea of ​​the first game – from us letting twisted players choose endless approach to fulfill our contracts. And then you ask yourself the question; Is it as successful as the first time?

Hitman 2
The atmosphere was very good and the environmental variation is superb.

Both yes and no. Let me first clarify that if you do not like the first game, it probably does not please you. My spontaneous feeling after about ten hours of play is that it's more or less the same, but that's the same, thin and even more accurate than last time.

As in the previous game, the prime minister of Hitman 2 is that you have almost everyone as a place to work. Clever blocks an exaggerated job offer on the side; they really managed to capture the extremely changing atmosphere in totally different countries in a totally different climate around the world. But why travel half the globe then? Well, this story is about the pursuit of a mysterious villainous workman to a generally anonymous client called "The Ghost Client", who also has information about a person who could help Mr. 47 with something that he himself a little difficult to grasp – his past. But of course, this shadow not only sends the family impression on the post, but forces 47 people to eliminate, with his faithful assistant, Diana, a pile of debris. And then it starts to have fun.

Hitman 2
Some sequences are less elaborate graphic sets.

Or rather, planning. I'm looking at a concept building model, placed in a village-style office that looks like a gang. The clothes I wear belong to one of the guards who is now half naked and far away in the world of dreams in a trash can outside the house. On the other side of the table is the donnan itself. She looks at the model (without noticing me) and then stretches after the glass of water on the edge next to her. When she rests it again, it soon becomes clear that this drink has been spotted. With married.

The above process took me no less than forty minutes to repair. Getting a watch uniform was the easiest. It was the acquisition of rat poison, an infiltration and the constant search for the target and its legitimate guards who were the challenge. Hitman 2. There are possibilities and tools available in Hitman 2. Gifts, screwdrivers, key cards, iron pipes, hammer, car batteries, clothes, pistols and small coins, it's up to you to choose how you approach the situation. For my part, I would like to share some of what the game calls "Mission Stories". These are tips on, even before starting the quests, the possible ways to reduce the opponent. Often well planned and just as explosive (or discreet).

Hitman 2
You have X-ray eyes – which is nice.

The game always encourages experimentation and as soon as you finish a class, you immediately have the opportunity to play it, but with suggestions for new gadgets or opportunities that you have unlocked. These can be weapons, places where you can hide them or different starting points on the track. This calls for the continuation of the death games because a path can begin with a security check in which the body search is included. The classic toy of the agent 47 is marked by such activity. Even the choice from the beginning is to sneak in without or find another way. Or, if you replay, have planted one on the field after unlocking the opportunity to do so

Hitman 2
"Sniper Challenge" recalls Sniper Elite and locks you to a point from which you have to hit a group of goals in a specified amount of time. Removal of the time of pleasure.

In a classic way, you also get points for your achievements. Aspects like how many innocent lives have been taken, how many bodies are hidden from the discovery, if you have been revealed … yes, the usual. And as a perfectionist, I have encountered some inconvenience during my playing career. Something that makes the life of the first murderer in the world even more difficult. My biggest complaint is about disguises to do. Of course, it is clear that, say the guards, you can think if you stand two millimeters and you do not touch within three minutes. Even a tree can then assume that it's not even about a fast-hiring logger, but from a stranger. But it happens sometimes (without causing trouble before) that they become suspicious as soon as you see their field of vision. And are they in the room – yes, so your "disguise" can be done quickly. In other cases, the same disguise at the same place can also work. Everything feels … unbalanced, in the absence of a better word.

Another is the way the world is built and where everything is. It may be a personal opinion, but it happened that I spent an hour looking for a trivial tool needed to install a specific trap – without finding it. And this without any indication of where there may be. Now, I no longer need the game to mark the location of each screwdriver on the map, but if you, like me, are determined to do it in any way, that would be fine with a sort of index. Or change tactics and choose the motto of the game anamar: "Make the world your weapon". It has happened that I have been observing a goal for ages to be able to pierce it with a knife.

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