Hockey talent Jesper Nordin is dead – 21 years old



This is the word mentioned everywhere when we talk about Jesper Nordin after his tragic death. It was Saturday that AIK Härnösand, whom Nordin's son represented as a child, but also in the J20 team and in the Hockey Team A team , came out with the news that Nordin had died, only 21 years old.

" Noppe has never been to the top of the shooters, but he has worked hard to give everything to the team. We remember the man Jesper Nordin who has always been a teammate, a friend and a human being, but also the spear smile ", writes the club on its website.

AIK Härnösands President Per-Arne Forsberg is in the same line:

– Jesper was a superhero and the first thing I will think about is how totally imprudent he was himself. He sacrificed in all positions. What has happened is so tragic that you become so empty, he says.

Jesper is engaged in hockey in Sweden

The last season represented Nordin Surahammar's FI in the hockey game and they send their condolences:

" Jesper was a hardworking and hardworking coach "


Nordin's team-mate since then in Kramfors, NHL star Adrian Kempe writes "Rest in Peace Friend" on Nordin on Twitter.

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"There is no leg in the body that it has not broken"

On the phone from Härnösand, the parents of SportExpressen Jespers, Jan and Annette Nordin

In their mourning work, they would like to talk about Jesper and mention almost immediately the sacrifice of his thread s.

– There is no leg in the body that it has not broken, no place where there are no scars, says Dad January

– He was constantly blunded. His teammates could say, "Are you stupid in the head, we have less 0-7 and you cover shots?" Says Mommy Annette and continues:

– As opponents, they did not like him because that they knew that they would have a cork.

But this is not only when they talk about hockey player Jesper Nordin as they describe it. Outside the ice, Jan and Annette Nordin describe her son as the opposite of how he was on the ice.

Mamma Annette: "He had a big heart"

Jan looks like Jesper in the main character of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".

– When he entered the locker room, he was like a teddy bear, Jan said.

– He was tall, strong, kind and reliable. When he was playing with guys that he had met before, they could not understand that he was the same person. Because he was so nice – he stood up for everyone, says Annette.

And in addition to sacrifice, Jesper Nordin sees others as parents want to emphasize.

– Someone was new to the team or class, he was always the one who took care of them, says Jan.

Annette thinks that this goes hand in hand with her sacrifice, something she wants to illustrate by sharing all the messages that she and her husband have received since Jesper's departure.

In the message, an old fellow mate wrote how grateful he was that Jesper, or "Noppe", as he was called, helped him in elementary school.

One of the messages the Nordin family has received since Jesper's death.

Photo: Private

– He had a big heart and in everything he did, he thought, "I give everything and I sacrifice myself. The worst thing he knew when people were too bad. He protected everyone, his sister, his classmates, everyone, "explains Annette Nordin.

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