Hockeyallsvenskan CEO criticizes SSK


In April, the Dan Pettersson Center was acquired at the SSK, but last week it was clear that he was leaving the club. SHL teams have the right to recruit hockey players from Sweden until July 19, and that is exactly what the SHL Linköping team has chosen to do

"It is clear that it is deeply regrettable to contract one of our players so late, "said SSK club director Mats Pernhem in a press release

Rejects criticism of the SSK

Now, the Swedish hockeyall will end with letter after the recent dissatisfaction of the Swedish hockey clubs.Stehan Guiance, CEO of Hockeyallsvenskan, notably criticizes the SSK

"I understand the frustration felt by our clubs when SHL takes players so close to the season, but at the same time we have a rule between SHL and HockeyAllsvenskan to be accepted as approved by both parties, that is to say that all clubs know and support r ules. It is therefore unfortunate that a club like Södertälje SK sort and criticizes the agreement once it has agreed to approve it. "

May review the layout

The layout of the game transfers between SHL and Hockeyallsvenskan can be reviewed during the 2019-2020 season and written criticism of the game. Another Swedish club Hockeyall.

"It is obviously unfortunate that a club like Västerviks IK, which first signs the solidarity agreement, then goes to the media and criticizes it", said Stephan Guiance in the letter.

SVT attempted to comment on Mats Pernhem.

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