How the situation in Nicaragua collapsed at the edge of the civil war – retreat protests at human rights abuses | foreign


In Nicaragua, protests, violence, general strikes and, according to the United Nations, increasingly widespread human rights abuses, have plagued the past four months. The protests that initially aimed at pension reform became increasingly bloody when the powerful chairman Daniel Ortega persists

On Wednesday, government fighters armed with automatic weapons and rifles hunting in the suburb of Monimbo in Masaya, in western Nicaragua. After the clashes, sleeves, glass and blood stains were on the streets of the new barricades

At least 10 people were reported to have been killed in the suburbs and around the suburbs.

Protesters who had expelled the authorities move, but promise not to give up.

– Nobody gave up. The president of the town of Ortega, who was patrolling the streets of Masaya after storming the area and fending off the protesting residents during bloody battles, said: "title =" President Ortegas anhängare har beväpnats i striderna word demonstranterna. Här patrullerar de dagen efter striderna i Masayas demonstrantockuperade förort. "Src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "itemprop =" image "content =" /upload/f_auto,fl_progressive/fl_keep_iptc/q_88/w_3200/w_3200,h_1800,c_crop,x_0,y_230/w_700/v1531996509/39-4990245b50690467a95.jpg "data-base-url =" https: //images.cdn.yle. fi / image / upload / f_auto, fl_progressive / "data-public-id =" 39-4990245b50690467a95 "data-yle-id =" 39-4990245b50690467a95 "data-crop-coords =" w_3200, h_1800, c_crop, x_0, y_230 " data-image-width = "4946" data-image-height = "2782" data-image-version = "1531996509" data-initial-width = "3200" data-default-width = "300" class = "ydd- image__image lazyload "data-src =",fl_progressive/q_80/w_3200/w_3200,h_1800,c_crop,x_0,y_230/w_300/v1531996509/39-4990245b50690467a95. jpg "/>

Supporters of President Ortega were armed in battles against protesters.
The president of the city of Ortega, patrolling the streets of Masaya after storming the area and driven away protesting residents during bloody battles.
Image: EPA-EFE / Jorge Torres
Nicaragua, Masaya

The four-hour battle in the suburbs between government militias and residents was only the last of a confrontation four months, which began with small protests against pension reform.

Violence between the authorities and supporters of President Daniel Ortega, on the one hand, and Nicaraguans who want to make him testify, on the other hand, have demanded until now the death of 273.

According to a pattern known in recent years, More and more authoritarian, Ortega affixed demonstrators, who demanded his departure as terrorists and neighborhoods of demonstrators as terrorists

. In four months, the situation failed to the point that the Washington Post wrote among other things that he was following the bloody road of Venezuela into the abyss.

Many now fear that the country 39 years after the Sandinistas overthrew the dictatorship of Somozas for decades, and 30 years after the end of the long bloody civil war

The anniversary of the revolution, the President Ortega struggled at the same time as he is with the hard hand is drenching one, first peaceful, the resurrection of people.

Attack reaction in Massilska

The threatening situation was triggered when the city of Gothenburg introduced a pension and welfare reform that would have reduced already low pensions by five per cent


Authorities have been accused of having a negative effect on pension funds through maladministration.

– It's not fair that my grandfather who works for 44 years has paid for it. It's not about the money that was borrowed from them, without the money that they paid for all their lives, so it really annoys me, says the One of the students who demonstrated at Al Jazeera

. of what is described as a massive superpower.

  The famous activist Ana Quiroz was bloody during the first days of the protests. Violence against protesters caused protests to swell and spread

Famous activist Ana Quiroz was beaten by government supporters who were protected by the police during the first days of the protests
. Violence against protesters swelled and spread protests
Nicaragua, Ana Quiroz

Youth organizations, pro-government groups and police attacked protesters.

In a few hours, the demonstrations increased and spread over the following days to more and more cities.

The number of deaths and injuries has increased. Among the dead, journalist Angel Gahona was shot dead while he was doing a live report of the protests

  Image of journalist Angel Gahona killed by police during a protest in Managua, Nicaragua.

The journalist Angel Gahona became a symbol of the protesters after being killed in a live report of the protests in the capital of Managua

Nicaragua, Angel Gahona

Several television stations were scrambled by the government, showing images of the violence to which protesters were exposed and the murder of Gahona.

Although Ortega withdrew the reform, the protests stopped growing and the violence more and more pressing.

People no longer demanded that the reform be withdrawn without the Ortega government disappearing and giving way to more democratic forces

Repression, armed forces and summary executions

After the start of growth of the number of victims the Catholic Church attempted to join the conflict in May and bring together representatives of the government and civil society around a table

The conversation collapsed quickly and the church turned to the government

continues to meet fate and murder, church officials wrote on May 31.

A few days ago, Bishop Silvio José Báez took on Twitter to condemn the government and demand intervention

– The Government of Nicaragua has overshadowed the limit of inhumane and immoral behavior. The criminal oppression against civilians, mainly students, since Friday night is worth a condemnation from all angles. The international community must not be indifferent, wrote Báez.
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  Nicaraguan Catholic Church leaders protect protesters who have taken refuge in a church in the south of the city capital Managua

Mgr. Silvio José Báez heads priests as Protected Protectors who s' were refugees in a church south of the capital Managua. Several priests and journalists who watched the incident were beaten by government supporters
Nicaraguan Catholic Church leaders protect protesters who took refuge in a church south of the capital Managua [19659009] Nicaragua, Catholic Church, Jose Silvio Baez

Including the Organization of American States The OAS and various United Nations agencies condemned the violence and demanded independent international investigations.

The Nicaraguan government is now accused of gross violations of human rights.

Hundreds of arbitrary arrests, superpowers and reports of summary executions of protesters and activists have proliferated since the protests

. Government-Friendly Activists

It has also been reported that those arrested are sentenced to prison terms

Convictions and Penalties

Data on torture have not been confirmed, but several students have faded away.

Cases of torture are taken seriously by both the OAS and the United Nations who have requested access to isolated detained protesters

. However, the causes of death have been declared natural.

In the United States, a proposed sanctions against the Ortega government was proposed by members of both parties

The US ambassador to the OAS went to the United States. to qualify the state of genocide


Although the decisions of the OAS were ratified by the government, they were celebrated by Bishop Baez
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"Thank you, embroidery country of all the American continent because you joined you in solidarity with the pain and the struggle that Nicaragua undergoes," he wrote on Twitter.

Ortega, all less popular leaders, more and more pure and simple rulers

The discontent of the former public hero, the Ortega regime, did not explode from the overnight, but rose as fast as the former rebel leader. Ortega led the revolution and the first Sandinista government after the fall of the dictatorship and was elected president in 1984.

His party and the former rebel group FSLN (known as the Sandinistas) were defeated in the presidential elections of 1990 by a center-right coalition.

  Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo participate in a support demonstration organized by the president's supporters.

According to critics and Human rights organizations, it has solidified its position for and take control of institutions such as the judiciary, electoral authorities and the military.

At the same time, the opposition was persecuted and marginalized by violence and the judiciary as means, according to critics.

Ortega was not, at the same time, completely Venezuelan long-term socialist Hugo Chavez, backed by generous social welfare reforms. In 1965, Ortega could be elected for a third period to the presidential post after the country's Supreme Court, whose judge was appointed by himself,

He then appointed his wife Rosario Murillo, who also had a visible position and powerful alongside Ortega since the Revolution, with the Vice President

 the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. The Presidents of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo celebrate in 2016 after the resignation of Ortega for a third term, he names Murillo vice president.
The President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo
Daniel Ortega, Rosario Murillo, Nicaragua

Murillo has long been the voice of Ortega, when the 72-year-old president has withdrawn more and more projectors.
Critics have long accused Ortega of trying to make the power of inheritance within the family, as it was under the Somozas dictatorship that Ortega struggled to fall

AP, AFP, Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera, NYC, New York Times, Washington Post

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