Hundreds of activists are sent to the Mexican border to stop the group of migrants


AP and AFP news agencies announced that US Defense Minister James Mattis would soon sign an order to send at least 800 militants to the Mexican border. There can be up to 1,000.

Those to stop It is a group of several thousand people, many of them families, who, since October 12, crossed Mexico against the United States. Refugees are trying to escape from poverty and gang violence.

How many caravans are difficult to judge, writes The Guardian. According to the Mexican authorities, there are 4,500 people, according to the local authorities of the city of Huixtla about 6,000 and according to the United Nations 7,200.

Many of them lost all hope of seeking asylum in the United States and instead chose to seek permission to stay in Mexico. Nearly 500 people from Honduras have been fired.

Donald Trump Twittrade Thursday, he will send the army to the Mexican border to stop the group.

"I am sending the military to this national emergency. They will be arrested!"

President Trump has threatened to withdraw his aid to Honduras, the country where the caravan has been produced, unless the president of the country interrupts the group.

At the same time, the Mexican newspaper La Prensa writes that the number of refugees repatriated to their home country from Mexico has increased from 17,093 in 2017 to 18,922 in the first eight months of 2018 alone.

Most came from Guatemala and Honduras and a smaller number from El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Read more: The Air Force with open arms in Mexico

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