Hundreds of journalists climbed the Golan Heights


Syrian government forces – supported by the Russian Air Force – are preparing to regain control of the southern province of Daraa, where the popular uprising began in March 2011. United Nations agencies say 320,000 people have escaped violence in recent weeks.

Among the refugees involved in the Golan Desert, between the Syrian Army and the neighboring countries of Jordan and Israel, there are 270 journalists. He declares the Federation of Syrian Journalists, which is now asking the help of the outside world in an appeal. Something like the reporter noted earlier on Tuesday.

The federation writes that journalists are particularly vulnerable and may be imprisoned or killed by the Syrian regime and that Jordan should therefore pass them through its southern border control.

search for the association support of international actors. They call for pressure against Syria, so that the regime promises not to harm or imprison journalists who can not or do not want to go out. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the call.

for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ) expressed concern about the situation and support for fleeing journalists. They wrote in their own statement that they were able to locate and identify 70 journalists in the area at risk.

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