Hundreds of thousands demonstrated Saturday against Trump


Many famous people went and expressed their support for the protests and several politicians musicians and other personalities had talks with the protesters.

In New York, world-renowned singer Alicia Keys spoke of "saving the American soul," an expression used by many of Saturday's protesters.

In Boston, promised Democratic politician Joe Kennedy III to fight administration of Trump administration migration. He went on to say that the United States will not accept that "children are locked up in these cages," according to CNN. Http://

– We get up and say: Not while we look. Not until we have something to say. Not as long as you can hear our voices and see our signs. Not until we can walk and protest, Joe Kennedy III continued in his speech.

Several human rights organizations opposed to the management of migrants from the Trump Administration in the United States have joined the Families.

Together, they organized and coordinated more than 700 demonstrations conducted in the United States on Saturday.

– It's bigger than politics. Anna Galland, head of the event, tells the Washington Post that everything is fine and that he is not going

The organizers criticize the separation of children and parents from migrant families on the Mexican border. More than 2,000 children have been abducted from their parents after entering the United States without permission – a procedure that has sparked international criticism.

The demonstrations took place in two million cities like Los Angeles and New York. in Antler society in the state of North Dakota, with about 20 inhabitants.

Many different groups engage in demonstrations. For example, a protest is being held in Portland, Oregon, by several housewives.

– I am not a radical and I am not an activist. I got to a point where I felt I had to do more, "said Kate Sharaf, event manager in Portland, ABC

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