"I dared not wait anymore"


TV: See and hear Paola speak about her and her family

She is so old – or young – that she feels or feels right now.

– But today, less than 30 years old, Paola says with a

She is adopted from South America and her age is uncertain – despite investigations in the form of wrist radiography and dental status –

But his story moves and speaks of dead and abysmal sadness – and of life and heavenly happiness.

She was left as a newborn baby and was taken away by police – like Yeimy Paola Rodruigez – into an orphan's home.

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Photo: Kent Olsson

– Me and Bengt-Ola did not have children, but Paola adopted from the children's home in Colombia. We met her at a government office in Bogota and we went to Sweden in 1987. She was judged to be around 3.5 years old, says Birgit Ryttar.

A little more than ten years ago, she returned to Colombia with her parents. Birgit and "Toola" are my parents, but I wanted to see the children's home where I spent my early years, she adds, adopting extraordinary parents and a life of which many locals do not. can not even dream. [19659003] – Yes, I was spoiled, she said with a smile.



A few years ago, she began to seriously dream about her own children, while her parents were dreaming of grandchildren

– I realized that my biological clock was coinciding and that I wanted children before it's too late. It meant that I could not wait for a relationship that would feel long-term.

Paola decided for insemination, which involves the sperm of a donor placed in the uterus in connection with ovulation. But after a year, after changing clinic – in Denmark – once and twice per donor, she became pregnant.

Then she recently suffered the greatest sorrow of her life – the disappearance of Bengt-Olas after a stroke. "In a short time, I have experienced the worst and the best event of my life." Zion's pregnancy and birth became light in the dark after the father's death – both for me and for mother, she says.

 Zion with the royal crown in his playroom.

Then, she had already moved in with her mother and in the house that she had built and built by her father, the building ombudsman, the riksdagsman, the member of the justice committee and the European parliamentarian (no) Bengt-Ola Ryttar.

– I'm sad that dad never met Zion, they would have loved each other as mom and Zion are having fun, says Paola.

She has never been a victim of intimidation, perhaps because of the anchoring of her parents in hometowns (Birgit worked as a textile teacher). But also because she has a very large circle of friends, has had important roles and lead roles in musicals, and is open and open.

 Paola was able to answer many questions - right-handed and unrequited, but with genuine curiosity. Questions like: When did you buy? Why did your mother sell? Have you slept long? Are you animals?

– But when I decided to make children alone, I realized that not everyone thought that some people would think that it violates family norms.

And she met prejudices and received Comments, like:

– Why did not you abort?

– What you did is irresponsible and unnatural

– Yes, you are a lesbian.

– You should not have trouble finding a

– How much did the child cost?

But many also supported and expressed their admiration for what she did and did.

An elderly man, nearly 100 years old, met her on a road and asked how everything went When Paola told him, he looked admiringly and said "well done."

Paola tries to be a good example of Zion and a source of inspiration for adults in the same situation she was.

– Zion is the best thing that has happened to me and I would never dream of even trying to put a price tag – in money and time – on the happiness that it makes and gives me.

 Zion just received food - and some instructions - from his grandmother Birgit

– I do not feel lonely, but I have a lot of friends. One day, I can meet a man with whom to live, but until now Zion loved the female and male models – like the head of the dance, the singer pedagogue and the musical director Stina-Kari Axelsson, who was during the # 39; s birth.

Three generations of Riders live under the same roof in Moje, and Paola finds that the generations are certainly not a new concept – and that it has a lot of advantages.

– And a nuclear family can and can look

FACTS / Paola

Age: 33 or 34 years old. "Or something like that, this with age and birthdays is not important to me."

Profession: Spa therapist. Is also an educated nurse educator.

Hobbies: Song and dance. She has been in Sandviken's three-year musical theater, has participated in several ensembles and even set up and organized her own music shows. She has participated in numerous musicals and has also played important roles, including Dorothy in The Wiz, based on The Wizard of Oz.

FACTS / Donate

Zion has no father, but a donor.

When he turns 18, he will contact his donor, but the donor must not contact Sion.

Paola should not, if she ever knows who is a donor, contact him. The only thing she knows – because she had to choose the ethnicity of the donor – is that it has roots in Tanzania and probably, as far as the skin color of Zion, has brown hair.

– I think Zion is similar to me. said Paola for the first time to see herself at someone else 's.

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