"I hope it can make people more aspired"


Sweden beat Mexico last week in the last World Cup group game, moving to the eighth final against Switzerland. The eighth is played today, Tuesday at 4 pm – but it was clear that Sirius will meet Gif Sundsvall in all Swedish at 7 pm that night.

In other words, Sirius can compete with the Swedish national team in a World Cup. spectator of the match of the evening

– First of all, it is surprisingly amusing that Sweden continues, says Mats Karlström, head of information of Sirius, to the channel Football Channel [19659002] – We currently have (at 15:15 yesterday) 2200 people ahead of the game. This is not so bad at all. But it's about occupation, which includes subscriptions and all that. There had been more tickets sold, certainly, but in the summer, when people started going on vacation, it's pretty good.

Have not you thought about taking a big screen and sending Sweden's match to students or something like?
– We have looked into the possibility of sending the match on a big picture, but it's really a cost problem. It is incredible money, it is to send for such a large audience.

Although the Sweden match comes on short notice – has it ever been up to date to move his match?
This was not an option to send to thousands of people, even though it had been incredibly fun. – We did not really look at it. We have not relied on this advancement even though it is very entertaining. But we have very many sports bars here in Uppsala, which I suppose will be sold tomorrow, and they are a short distance from the arena. If it does not go well with the extension and you have an hour to spare.

What do you hope for in Sweden's match to get as many spectators as possible in your match? 19659006] – Obviously, we want to see Sweden go ahead.

Sirius is ahead of the last restart in the all-Swedish table with five points in eleven rounds

The encounter between Sirius and Gif Sundsvall would have been played in the second run, but had to be pushed because the turf of the student was considered too bad. Mats Karlström says it looks much better.

– Compared to the time … it's like comparing an inn with Hilton. It's a good fantastic plan now. It provides all the conditions for a good football Sirius. It looks crazy.

Sirius meets Gif Sundsvall at 7 pm tonight and can be seen in C More Sport, in Sport Channel and at cmore.se/sport. Sweden's meeting with Switzerland starts at 16:00 and can be seen on TV4, on C More Football and on cmore.se/sport.

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