"I thought it was a broken heart"


the singer Louise Hoffsten, 53, is the main character of the second episode of "So Much Better" in TV4.

On the program, the other artists will be Eric Gadd, Albin Lee Meldau, Grand, Linnea Henriksson, Christer Sjogren and Charlotte Perrelli interpret the tax of Louise's song.

But at the time of today 's activities, where Louise has set the agenda, something is generating feelings.

Louise was diagnosed with MS in 1996. MS is synonymous with multiple sclerosis and is a disease of the central nervous system.

Louise Hoffsten
Louise Hoffsten 1990. Image Source: Stella Pictures.

The disease therefore affects the brain and spinal cord. Someone with MS may have tremors, difficulty walking and balancing, muscle stiffness, fatigue, depression, and mood swings.

When Louise was diagnosed, she was 31 years old. She now practices in a rehab center and it is after a bad fall that the doctors advised her to start using a stick.

"Louise, do not you think you're using a stick, a walker or something?" Then I borrowed a stick from the county council, then I went home with my husband and found myself starred, "says Louise.

"There is so much about identity, then my husband did it, I thought it was a great act of love, he pimped my stick and hung the leather straps for the to make cool, something fun and beautiful, so that I can have this jacket as help, support in life, Louise says in "so much better".

Louise Hoffsten
Louise Hoffsten in "So better better". Source of the image: TV4

In the evening, "So much the better," Louise asked the other artists to help her pinch herself.

"I wanted to change that, whether it was nervous or boring, without something that would give power and strength," she says.

"What you love about Louise is that she has this disease, but she is going straight," said Eric Gadd.

Louise tells the time she was "sneezing". It was in 1996 and she had divorced her previous husband in the spring.

– I thought my symptoms were due to a broken heart. But that's not what the doctor said. They said that I had received MS. Then I thought that life is going on. But thanks to exceptional health care … The people who work in health care are the ones who really are the stars, "said Louise.

– Life goes on. That's what makes it, says Louise in "so much better".

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