Idris Elba named the sexiest man in the world in 2018


I thought – "yes, you are very sexy today"

It's a man of global appearance who looks like this


Idris Elba was the choir of "The Sexiest Man in the World Now" in People Magazine.
– It was a very nice feeling, says a happy Elbe to People Magazine after receiving the impressive title

Let's celebrate all the good dates, let's be a bit beautiful together and savor a delicate Idris Elba-Special

The modest Idris Elba

Idris Elba is so happy with this great title.
– At first, I never thought about life. But then, I looked in the mirror and lay down. I thought – "yes, you are very sexy today." But to be honest, it was a nice feeling, a fun surprise, says Idris at People Magagazine

Hi cookie, are you sitting there and dragging there

Jimmy Fallon presented "The sexiest man in the world" – Idris, of course, thanks to the stretching of his muscles

Who has become "The sexiest man in the world" has been presented in the greatest secrecy to the American people. Joy showed no boundaries when Elba appeared.

Idris on a motorcycle

When "The sexiest man in the world now" takes a ride with his bow dressed in leather, the traffic is still standing. He is late old.

Idris Elba in love with the hat

The Elbe really likes different hats. Here we see how Idris wears a red hat.

And here is a little nonchalant a simple orange flap

And even a fashionable bus stop

Maybe a bit out of the subject, but it seems that Elbas's fiancée, Sabrina Dhowre, also likes the hat. Here with a fun hat on a big gallop with Elba in London

Idris – the personified personality

Nobody can love the Elba pussy and look a little secretive.

You are my first, my last, my everything

Idris Elba – a real killer

Once again – a big Elbe congratulations

Remember Idris Elba too. You do that here

Here are the five hottest movies of autumn 0:45

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