In Search of the Soul of Social Democracy – Literature


Björn Runeborg often writes about people or historical events. He wrote a novel about the disaster of Estonia and another about Dag Hammarskjöld and a third about the murder of Anna Lindh. The new book "Social Democratic Stories" features legendary social-democracy figures from Hjalmar Branting, Kata Dalström and Per Albin Hansson to Tage Erlander and Olof Palme. The goal is not only to lead prominent social democrats but also to live social democracy, to return to the roots, thus rediscovering the soul of the party. Many people think that social democracy has lost its ideology in recent decades. Runeborg's book comes at the right time for a decisive election for the Social Democrats.

The first part of the "Social Democratic News" talks about the young Kata Dalström and her discovery that the reality is "where most people". definition of the idea of ​​social democracy and pursuit of the construction of a solidarity society Kata is an actress overwhelmed by injustice, who customizes her as the true social-democrat, with ideals that

The second part of the collection is titled "Gestalter" The first novel is a pearl. Runeborg's characters from Jack Kerouac's classic "On Operation" pick up Olof Palme, who gets up across the southern United States United, which mainly expresses the sense of freedom by exploring new horizons. personal and societal planet.

In the novel about Per Albin Hansson treated by the people he meets during his last trolley ride on October 5, 1946. The public home represents the majority political route that excludes left-wing extremism and of right.

In the latest novel, the protagonist Veronika reflects on social democracy. die in society today. He failed his ideals. For generations, his family has been social democratic. Politics, passion and suicidal thoughts are somewhat diffuse. Maybe Björn Runeborg thinks that when passion is out of politics, she dies. Is this where social democracy is in favor of the 2018 elections? The fluctuation with the Swedish-Democratic voters in migration issues suggests that.

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