In the United States, mid-year elections are under way – issues are important for Trump


Just after 23:00 on Tuesday night, the TV company introduced CNN early vote According to this survey, the elections concerned Donald Trump for two-thirds of voters.

A majority of respondents indicated that they are not satisfied with the President and his policies. Preliminary results show that 44% of respondents support Trump, while 56% express dissatisfaction with the president.

Interviewees in the CNN poll responded that they thought the country was going in the wrong direction were more than those who think the US is on the right track.

At the same time, 7 out of 10 responded that they felt that the country's economy was doing well.

The results reported by CNN are preliminary. Probably, the actual election results will not be expected until Wednesday.

Knivigt for Trump in the opinion

Donald Trump has so far had every opportunity to realize his political visions as President of the United States. The Republican Party now holds the majority of the Senate and House of Representatives, which together form the US Congress.

Now this can change this case. If opinion polls appear before the elections, the power in Congress can be shared. The House of Representatives seems to have a democratic majority.

"It will be a big problem for the president," said Dag Blanck, professor of North American Studies at Uppsala University.

– The American system takes place in Congress and then the president writes on the laws. If you lose power in one of the two houses of Congress, you can not respect their laws. The parties will hang.

Usually, the President's Day goes back

The fact that the incumbent president's party loses congressional seats in the mid-term elections is more than an exception.

Since Ronald Reagan was president in the early 1980s, all presidents lost the majority in their first interim election, with the exception of George W. Bush.

SVT reporters Carina Bergfeldt and Stefan Åsberg are in the United States. Photo: SVT, Aaron P. Bernstein / TT

Only two presidents won their party seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate in the midterm elections: Franklin D Roosevelt 1934 and George W. Bush 2002.

"A counter of value"

The interim elections are not only important for President Trump when it comes to carrying out his policy in the future.

"There is also a sort of opinion poll done by President Trump that gives you a valuable indicator of what Americans like about the president and what the end of the next presidential election in 2020 may be. Trump is part of the electoral movement now.The president is not on a ballot, but everything is circulating around him and all Republican candidates must have relations with him, "said Professor Blanck.

The House of Representatives seems to be democratic

On the website Five Thirty Eight, owned by the ABC television channel, the Democrats seek to seize power in the House of Representatives but not in the Senate, other polls also underline it.

Many Americans are not sure until a poll is clear. In the presidential election of two years ago, a majority of polls indicated that Hillary Clinton would win, but the result turned out to be the opposite.

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