India records a statue record with Sardar Patel in bronze


The bronze statue of Sardar Patel completely dominates the landscape where it flourishes at the edge of a river in the Indian state of Gujarat. The statue is 182 meters long, almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York, measuring 93 meters.

It took five years for 4,000 workers to build the giant Indian statue, which cost nearly four billion, reports the Times of India. Inside the statue is a museum and an entertainment center.

Wednesday "Statue of the United States" of Hindu National Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who himself took the initiative to build when he was governor of Gujarat.

The Sardar Patel tribute has clear political nuances. It blows a nationalist wind in India and the BJP government party is about to write about this story. With the huge statue of Patel, the Hindu nationalists want to establish that the right was an important part of the struggle for freedom in India.

Thus, one tries to downplay the dominant role of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty after the independence of Britain in 1947. Narendra Modi has repeatedly said that the first Indian Prime Minister should have been called Patel – not Jawaharlal Nehru.

Modi's main policy Opponents of next spring's parliamentary elections are Rahul Gandhi of the Congress Party, grandson of Nehru.

Patelsatyn's record as the world's largest, however, seems to be short-lived. Outside India's largest city, Bombay plans to place a monument in honor of the 16th century ruler, Chhatrapati Shivaji. The statue will be 210 meters high. Here too, there is a Hindu nationalist government that is behind the tribute.

Until now, the 128-meter Temple of the Spring Temple Buddha in China had a statue record.

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